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I couldn't remember the last time
The last time I felt
Felt calm
Felt happy
Felt anything at all
Even through the dull pain
Even as it gets in magnitude
The euphoria...

I can't really place it
The relief and lameness
The ability to just lie here
On the grass
Alone beneath the swaying trees
The sound of a swaying breeze
As it dances passed
The words to describe the sweetness of this moment
Escape me

And I can hear my demons
That sickening, tear-rendering voice
Getting slowly
Fading into the background
And I smile

For the first time in years
A real heart warming smile
As the voice faded from my mind
As the smells of the woods filled me
I would hurt no more
This isn't the way I would have chosen
But God is the best planner

I smiled
And my mind faded away...
Into a warm, welcoming embrace
And I knew no more

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