Chapter Five

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading and I so hope you're enjoying! Leave me a comment if you have any thought, idea, ect! I would love some feedback!

FIY I have many more Twilight fanfictions! If you like this you may want to check out some of my other works!

Grazie! Thanks!



"Well? How did everything go?" Edward asked his grandfather apprehensively.

"Very well. She should regain all vision." Carlisle smiled at his grandson as Edward smiled widely.

"Thank you. You don't have any idea how much this will mean to her. Your going to be her new favorite person."

"Oh, all I did was administer the venom. I'm sure Edward is the one to thank for giving the venom so easily." Carlisle smiled.

"What? You used his venom?"

"Yes, you and your sisters venom source comes directly from your father. For the best results I needed to use his venom."

"When will she be able to see again?"

"Soon, let's all go upstairs." Carlisle gestured everyone to follow him. 


Renesmees POV

"Renesmee, I'm going to take the bandages off. Are you ready?" Grampa Carlisle asked.

"Yes." I smiled and took a deep breath.

The bandage slowly was untapped from around my head.

"I just want you to open your eyes slowly, it may be blurry at first but it should improve quickly." He instructed.

I fluttered my eyelids and saw brief flutters of light. I saw light!

I opened my eyes fully and as the murkiness of my newfound vision faded away the first thing I saw was my brothers face.

"Edward!" I cried in delight and lunged toward him. I wrapped my arms tightly around him.

"Hey Ren," he laughed "long time no see?" He tried to make a joke.

"A very long time." I agreed and stepped back and took in his appearance.

"I've only seen you in reflections for so long..." I paused "it's kinda strange to see you" I laughed.

"Outstanding success." Grampa Carlisle smiled at me and I hugged him tightly.

"Thank you so much." I smiled.

"You are very welcome." He hugged me back tightly.

"Wait till mom finds out." My brother laughed.

"She'll freak she'll be so happy!" I laughed with him.

"I was thinking the opposite. She'll probably be so upset..." He looked down at the floor.

"Why?" Dad asked.

"Well..." my brother shot me a side glance "ever since Rens accident moms always been really worried about her. We're so grown and she doesn't want us to leave her so it terrifies her when we act like adults. With Renesmees sight repaired she'll probably think that we want to leave and travel like we did before she was blinded." my brother explained.

"I don't want to travel anymore. We saw so many wonderful things though..." I mused.

"I like traveling. You've always been more of a home body though."

"Says the family oriented one out of us!" I laughed.

"True." He laughed too.

"You know what I just realized!" I shouted surprising everyone "I can actually read again! I can do so many things without needing help!" I cheered.

"You can." My brother smiled that sweet smile he gets and I had forgotten how much I missed it.

"I missed you." I smiled and hugged him tightly.

"I'm glad you have your sight back Ren." He squeezed me. I could tell he got a little emotional but I wouldn't poke fun at him for something like this.

This is huge for me! I'm my own individual person again! I can read a book privately, walk down the stairs, most importantly...I can run freely again!

I used to love running so much. I was always fast, but Edward got our fathers speed and loved to outrun me. I loved seeing him get so happy and we always felt so carefree when we were running together.

When I got blinded, we couldn't do that anymore. It was years before I could even learn how to direct myself through Edwards vision. Edward started to always position himself around me. He would walk right beside me, guide me by my arm through tricky spaces, and when we had to go running he would carry me on his back and go extra slow so I wouldn't panic.

Edward changed completely after the incident. He went from his normal playful and caring attitude to being cautious and overbearing at times. I miss the way he used to throw jabs at me and tackle me out of nowhere. I miss his eyes lighting up when something excites or interest him, but most of all I miss that carefree smile he got when running.

I looked up at him and he had his usual smirk plastered on his face and his green eyes visibly brightened.

I'm finally free to have my true brother back.


Sorry it's so short! I've been having serious writers block on all of my stories!

Vote, comment, shoot me an idea, etc!

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