Chapter Ten

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I can't believe over a week has passed and she hasn't come once, Micah fumed. The school week hadn't gone bad exactly, Trent had already made friends for the both of them, but Micah wasn't feeling very social. With St. Stephen's being a boarding school with many of the students living on campus, they rode the city bus in, since the metro didn't have a stop near the school. The campus was old and beautiful, with a large courtyard in the middle and classrooms forming a square around it.

Trent had already met a pretty brunette named Gianna, and like a good cousin, had tried to set Micah up with her friend, Viola. It wasn't that Viola was unattractive. She was actually quite beautiful with light brown hair and blue-green eyes. It was just Micah was too distracted by his vision-less night.

Funny, I would've killed to stop seeing things back home but now...

Trent was whistling as he waltzed into the bathroom, and then seeing Micah sitting on the chaise, stepped into the room.

"I couldn't help but notice your new shade of lipstick. Nice," Micah remarked, knowing exactly what Trent had been doing at the school dance he'd dragged Micah to earlier that night.

"Hey, at least I got a new shade. Don't hate me because you were too lame to get some yourself. Viola was practically begging for a little smooch goodnight. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. I just like to take my time." Yeah, like longer than five days.

"Naw, I think you're still moping over Megan," Trent said, walking back into their shared bathroom, retrieving his toothbrush.

"No way, dude."

Trent turned and said, "Ok, then Eden. I know she's got the hots for you."

Micah didn't answer, but stood up instead. For some reason hearing Eden's name made him feel homesick. Entering the bathroom, he picked up his toothbrush. "You're off your rocker; we're just friends."

Trent snorted. "I think she's hot. I love her glasses and braces. Ow!" he howled, rubbing his arm where Micah punched him. "Dude! I'm just teasing. She really is hot though." Seeing Micah's face, Trent shrugged. "Ok, ok, mister touchy. I didn't know you were such a girl."

Micah turned his electric toothbrush on, drowning out his cousin. Secretly, he wondered why he got upset. Because I care about her and Trent's making fun, that's why.

It was late and he was exhausted. Lying on his back, hands tucked behind his head, he closed his eyes. The image of Eden tearing up when they parted flashed through his mind. He was surprised it made his chest constrict again.

The wave of heat touched him before the light penetrated the back of his eyelids. He bolted up. She's here; she's finally here.


Micah knew the woman in red was close and that should bring him some comfort, but he didn't feel it. All of his senses were overloaded by the devastation before him.

The smell of charred houses mingled with burnt flesh, all of his surroundings devoid of life and color, nothing but black ash left behind. The air was stagnant, no breeze to cool the heat from the midday sun or remove the stench. His footsteps sounded hollow crunching through the rubble. He felt desperate to find someone, anyone. He had to know something had survived, but there was nothing, not even rats to gnaw through the debris.

He'd lost count of how many neighborhoods he'd sprinted through, now his pace was slow and labored. His foot caught on something, and he threw his arms out to steady himself. The idea of falling into the wreckage filled him with horror. He turned, spying what snagged him. Crouching down, he slowly lifted it up. Sadness flooded him.

Brushing away the ash, he peered down at the small baby doll's face. This had been a child's toy, probably a little girl. A girl that's gone. Buried in this...

Like being pulled from the bottom of a pool, the woman placed her hand on Micah's shoulder, and the scene disappeared before him. He was panting now, bent over with his hands on his knees, clamping his jaw shut to keep the nausea in check, as well as his emotions. It didn't help-his head was still spinning.

"What was that?" he gasped between breaths. She didn't say anything. Slowly, he straightened, gazing at her. Pain etched the lines around her eyes, her lips turned down. "Why did I see that?" He hoped there was a reason for that nightmare.

Her head tilted to the side and her mouth opened. He eagerly awaited her words, but as her lips formed them, no sound came out.

"I can't hear you," he blurted. She nodded and continued speaking nonetheless. He stepped closer. "I still can't understand-"

"Micah!" Trent's voice boomed out from the other side of the bathroom door.

Micah jumped and spun around. Trent's up? It's probably three am.

"What the banana balls are you doing in there?" Trent growled through the wood. The woman disappeared. Frustrated by her short visit, Micah threw the door open and Trent barged in. Trent surveyed the room and then stared at him. "Who were you talking to?"

"No one," he responded, surprised Trent could've heard him through the closed bathroom doors. He hadn't spoken loudly, or that much, and he knew his cousin was a pretty sound sleeper.

"Whatever. I heard you talking to a girl. Were you talking online with someone or something?"

Micah's body stiffened. "How did you know I was talking to a girl?"

"Ha! I knew it! Who is she? Megan?" Trent grinned.

"How'd you know, Trent?" He took a step towards his cousin, who was now checking out his closet. Does he think I hid someone in there?

Trent turned around and snickered. "Dude, what were you doing online? Do I need to talk to your parents?"

"Trent, I wasn't on my computer. Tell me how you knew it was a girl!" Micah shouted, annoyed his cousin was ignoring his question.

Trent cocked an eyebrow at Micah and then shrugged. "I heard her, ok, loud and clear. So loud I'm beginning to wonder if you somehow snuck Viola in here." Trent dropped down and peered under Micah's bed, calling, "Viola, are you in there?"

If it had been any other time, Micah would've laughed at him, but his mind was buzzing. Trent heard her?

"What did she say?" he demanded, but Trent was peeling his covers down saying, "Viola, come out, come out, wherever you are."

"Trent." Micah's tone was firm. His cousin stopped chuckling and stared at him. "I need to know what you heard. What did the girl say?"

"Am I on crazy pills here or are you going to tell me what's going on here? Who is she?" Trent retorted.

He struggled to respond. He supposed it was as good of a time as any to tell Trent he saw ghosts or angels, or whatever the woman in red was.

Trent huffed impatiently. "Fine, I'm too tired for this. She said something like you did the right thing coming here, and he'll hear me," he paused, Micah hanging on his every word, "and it's time to study. You're supposed to live with the Gennaros. They'll show you what to study." Trent stopped talking and threw his hands on his hips, waiting.

So the Gennaros are why I'm here, Micah thought. I need to talk to them. But I guess it'll have to wait until morning.

"Che cavolo," Trent muttered, bringing Micah back to present.

"Thanks, Trent," Micah breathed out, his shoulders relaxing.

Trent eyed him suspiciously. "If this happens again, you're going to talk, got it? I can't have you turning into a nutcase while we're here. You will freak out the ladies. Now I, for one, am going back into my room to think about Gianna's soft lips on mine." Trent left, mumbling, "Poor kid's losing it. I hope it's not contagious."

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