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I instructed them to bring him in. They were most proud of themselves. They said he had to be important since he had been leading the troops.

Two guards brought in an injured man. He was pale, causing his bruises to stand out against his complexion. His eyes were green and seemed to shine like jewels. His hair was a coal black. It hung loosely around his face. He walked in with his head held high despite the obvious injuries. He had his hands chained as well as his feet. The guards looked at me waiting for my reaction.

I had grown exceedingly skilled in the art of hiding my true emotions, it came with the duty of being queen. I raised one eyebrow. That was all. Loki was staring at me, his mouth slightly open. I stood, my bracelets clinking together. I nodded to the guards and they left the room quickly.

I stared at Loki who barely bothered to hide his shock. It was written all over his face. A smirk tugged at the corners of my mouth and I allowed a small, cold smile to grace my lips.

"What? Are you surprised that I am a Queen? Or are you simply shocked at seeing me again?" I asked coldly, my voice hitting the walls sharply. Loki lifted his head but didn't answer. I let out a short laugh. It was bitter and held no feeling.

I walked down the small flight of stairs and slowly circled him. He watched me, one eyebrow raised.

" Oh how my generals will boast when they find that they have captured the King of Asgard. I should have known. You were probably the one who killed my husband." I said listlessly.

"Did you love him?" Loki asked, speaking for the first time.

"Hm. Did I love him? As friends we were happy. We never did anything married people do, we never even kissed except for our wedding day. I warned him I could not love him beyond the little bits of affection I had left, but he didn't listen. I wont lie, I was saddened by his death. But, not the type of sad that comes when you lose your true love." I broke off to laugh. I lifted Loki's chin with my finger and tilted his head side to side, examining his bruises. I dropped my hand with a discontented frown.

" I already lost any true love I had left. That's what happens when you give someone everything." I said with a short laugh as I returned to my throne. I sat down and looked at him.

"I now have a dilemma. I cannot release you. I cannot allow you to be locked away for I know that no cell can hold you. SO we must ask ourselves. Whatever am I to do with you?" I said, making sure my voice was void of emotion.

Loki stepped forward until he was only about two feet away from me.

"Well, let me think. How about I use you as my bargaining chip and get out of here?" He said as he swiftly moved forward and encircled my neck with his heavy chains that bound his wrists. It was not choking but it was cold. I stood slowly so as not to cause him fear.

The chains tightened, the links digging into my flesh. I felt something sharp press against my back.

" I should have told my men to search you." I said with a soft smirk.

"Oh now what fun would that be?" His lips were inches from my ear, his breath hot on my neck.

I laughed, calmly, coolly and without fear.

"Do it." I ordered softly.

"Do what?" He said slightly confused.

"Use me yet again to accomplish what you want. This is not the first time you have wanted to use me as your insurance. I do not fear you. You could do your worst and it wouldn't be enough. Kill me and end this if you must, use me to escape, do whatever you wish. I do not care anymore."

His grip loosened slightly. I took the chance. I spun around and grabbed his wrist, forcing the knife to press against his neck while shoving him backward until his back hit the wall. I stood there, his life in my hands, staring deep into his eyes.

He looked surprised. I smirked.

"I remember a similar situation a few years back. You used my emotions to best me and trick me. What does it feel like to be helpless? To know that your death is in the hands of the one person you trusted?"

"To die by your hand, my Queen, would be an honor." He said in a soft whisper.

I inhaled sharply. I had not expected that. I closed my eyes slowly, trying to sort out the emotions that pulsed through me. His response had been nothing like I imagined. I shoved my jaw forward and glared daggers at the ground.

I yanked the knife out of his cuffed hand and stepped back, throwing the knife across the room. I gritted my teeth and met his eyes, expecting contempt, mocking, and triumph at displaying my weakness. Instead, he closed the distance between us, his hands capturing my face gently.

"Your skin is just as soft as I remembered." He whispered.

"Loki." I said with a soft sigh.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

My eyes widened. He closed the last few inches between us, his cool, soft lips meeting mine in a gentle kiss. His arms were above his head as he lifted them to wrap around me. I allowed my hands to slide up his neck and bury themselves in his raven hair. He gently pulled away after a few moments.

I saw a tear slip down his perfectly chiseled cheek. I reached up to wipe it away. He gently held my hand against his face and leaned into it, closing his eyes. I wanted to tell him everything, how I loved him and how it wasn't too late.

"Loki Laufeyson! I have come to get you out of here." A shrill voice sounded. I knew that voice. I turned, my hand dropping from Loki's face.

Ashanti, dressed richly in royal robes burst through the door. Her eyes widened as she saw me. Then she turned to Loki.

" Hello Lola. I didn't know you were a Queen. Guess what? So am I." She sounded excited.

My eyes grew big and I turned to Loki, a smirk on my face and eyebrows raised. He stood there, his eyes closed in pain and his porcelain skin even paler than normal.

"Well I am very happy for you. Its been a long time Ashanti . I trust all is well in your kingdom." I said as I walked away from Loki to sit in my throne.

"Yes it has been awhile. And no, all is not well. I have to bring my husband back. You will release him?" She asked.

"Now Ashanti, remember dear, as Queen I have to do what's best for my kingdom. I see no reason to release him."

Her eyes grew big and she frowned. She opened her mouth, then  closed it. Then, she smirked. She feined tears.

"Please Lola! I cant raise my child without a father. Please. Think of the baby." She begged. I smirked. So she was pregnant. I glanced over at Loki who looked surprised and angered. He met my gaze and cringed.

"Well. Loki, you have a very persuasive wife. I have never been with child but I can imagine it takes two to raise one. Very well. You are free to go." I said.

He looked at me sadly and Ashanti stepped forward to take his hand.

"But! If I ever see either one of you in my kingdom again, I will not be so kind. Leave and never return." I said coldly. Loki looked heartbroken but I just smiled coldly. I clapped my hands and two guards came in.

"Escort these people out of here. Return them safely to Asgard." I said as I clasped my hands in front of me.

Ashanti bowed and her eyes were grateful, but I knew she had lied. She was not with child anymore then I was. And I was most certainly not. I nodded and they left. Loki's snake green eyes were the last thing I saw before the hall door clanged shut.

I held my hand out, palm up and let swirls of light shimmer in the air. I had confided in Asmund about my powers and he had loved me all the more, even going so far as to have someone teach me how to control them. I had only improved since I had last seen Loki.

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