Chapter One: Elsa's Birthday

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My name is Elsa Winters. I'm the queen of Arrendelle, and so I'm probably more qualified than anyone else to tell you that Arrendelle has a secret.

Arrendelle has a secret, just like any remote kingdom. It is: the queen. Me. I have ice powers. I know, it's hard to believe. Last year I fled after freezing the entire kingdom. By mistake, of course. But that was before I could control my powers. Now I can, and can pretty much guarantee it won't happen again.

At least, I think.


March 23
Elsa's POV

I woke up to an open window. The sun was shining ... and right onto my face.

"Agh," I groaned. I kicked off the sheets and stood up.

Pulling open my closet, I pushed through my dresses. Finding my ice dress, I pulled it out and changed out of my silky blue nightgown. I shoved the hanger inside the nightgown's sleeves and hung it on the bar inside the closet. Pulling my hand out, I felt the material of I dress I knew all to well.

I sighed. My coronation dress always brought back unwelcome memories.

I closed the door and left the room. Walking down the hallway, I stopped a few doors down at Anna's room. Knowing her, she was probably still sleeping. But I had to wake her up; it was my big day, and she had to get ready.

I knocked. I heard a grown and slowly pushed the door open. She wasn't asleep, but she wasn't exactly awake either. She was in her Anna-in-the-morning state.

I walked over to her bed, placing my hand on her bright orange bedhead.

"Anna," I whispered sweetly. "it's time to wake up. Anna!"

"What? Who's birthday is it? What?" She bolted upright.

"It's my birthday, silly!" I giggled. "Come on, I got you a dress and everything!"

She jumped up, and I grabbed her hand, leading her to her closet.

"Pick one, any one!"I told her.

She covered her eyes with her left hand and thrust her other hand into the closet. She grabbed a random dress and pulled it out.

It was the dress she wore on my coronation day.

"Put it on," I managed to choke out.

She hopped behind her bed where I couldn't see her. I stood by the closet and waited. When she popped up I waved her over, meeting her in the middle of the room.

"Ooh, are you gonna do that thing you did on my birthday?" she asked.

"You know it!" I said cheerfully, holding out my arm. With the flick of my wrist, her dress was transformed to a fancy ice dress, just like my own, cape and all.

"Oh, Elsa," she gushed. "It's beautiful!"

"Only the best for you, my dear," I joked, and smiled. "Now come on, let's get this party started!"

We burst through her bedroom door. I grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the stairs.

"Come on, what are you waiting for?" I asked, annoyed.

"My hair!" she said, pointing to the orange rat's nest on her head.

"Oh, right!" I exclaimed. I ran my hand over her hair, swinging it over her shoulder as a sleek, shiny braid. "There! Now we're twins!"

"Perfect!" she exclaimed. "I love it! Now come on!" And now it was her turn to pull me down the stairs.

We burst through the huge front doors and giggled. Sven and Kristoff were by the docks, which we could clearly see from where we were standing. We ran over.

"Hey, babe," Anna greeted him, pecking him on the lips.

"Blah, no mushy crap on my birthday, please?" I begged.

"Okay, okay," Anna finally agreed.

"Happy birthday, Elsa," Kristoff said. "Here ya go!" It wasn't till now that I realized he had his hand behind his back. He brought it out and presented me with a wrapped box. "This is from both of us."

"Ooh, you got the one?" Anna said excitedly.

"Yep!" Kristoff confirmed.

I accepted the box and ripped the wrapping paper off like a kid in my anticipation. I found a fancy black velvet box, and I carefully lifted the lid. On a bed of soft velvet was a beautiful necklace. The chain was silver, and the pendant was a blue diamond, in the shape of an intricate snowflake the size of my palm. I gasped.

It was incredible.

"Oh my gosh, guys," I said. "I love it! It's beautiful! Thank you!" I leaned forward and gave them both a hug.

"Here, I'll put it on you," Anna offered. I handed her a box and spun around. With a small click! she fastened the the clasp. The diamond was a little heavy, but the weight was comforting. I rubbed my thumb over the smooth, polished center, making a mental vow to never take it off.


A/N Yay! New book!

I'm really excited to continue writing this on, guys. I'm a crazy Disnerd, and happen to really like the Big Six. If you don't know what it is, go on Instagram and search it up, because some of my favorite fan pages actually make Big Six/ Jelsa comics and reading them is my favorite guilty pleasure lol.

Jelsa hasn't arrived quite yet butttttt it will in the next chapter so STAY TUNED!!!! I'm really excited, however I'm starting 6th grade tomorrow and I'm gonna have less time to write, but when I can I'll pop in.

Also, the next chapter of President Dad is Dead will be out soon and I'm also working on the first chapter for a Country Girl in a City Life, so check that one out.

Ok so get me three votes for the next update! Bye my peeps!!

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