Chapter Two: The Guardians

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That Night
Jack's POV


Manny was speaking to me. How was this possible? He hadn't said a word to me since I first became a Guardian, but now, almost nine hundred years later, he was back.

I've been around for awhile. He had a pretty long time to talk to me or help me throughout my chaotic life. But no! He waits until nothing is wrong, he waits until I've outgrown him.

He waits until he no longer has an influence over me, my life, or how I live it.

But, being the retarded person I am, I responded.


"Pitch Black has returned. He hasn't just come for you; he's come for your loved ones! Heed my warning, Jack, and do what you feel is right."

"What? What does that mean, exactly?" My loved ones? I didn't have loved ones. The Guardians, maybe?

"Manny?" Silence. Never a full conersation with him. In fact, I couldn't remember a single time he'd given me a straight answer.

I don't have a family or any friends, so the Guardians are the closest I've got to family.

"Wind!" I shouted. "Take me home!"

The soft breeze became a violent wind, and I was flying, soaring. The view was incredible. I continued this way until I found myself arriving at the one place I could truly call home.

Santa's castle.

Okay, don't call me nuts, please? I'd appreciate it, thanks. But as it happens, Santa, or as I call him, North, happens to be a Guardian.

Great. Glad we got that established.

Also, the Easter Bunny is real. So is the Sandman. And the Tooth Fairy. And they're all Guardians.

Again, no, I'm not funked in the head. I just happen to have really weird friends.

Anyway, I arrived at the castle, bursting through the grand double doors, entering the building. I strolled through the halls until I arrived at Santa's office, where he was sitting at his desk and building a model train.

Out of ice. I don't know why.

The door was propped open, so I walked in.


"Jack!" He greeted me without looking up from his ice train. "Should I be expecting a snow day?"

"Uh, yeah," I said. "I'd say the blizzard I have planned should get the kids out of school tomorrow.

"But that isn't why I'm here. I need to talk to you about something."

"Oh?" North finally spun around in his desk chair to face me. "Is something wrong?"

"Well, um," I didn't know how to explain Man in Moon's confusing message. "I just talked to Manny."

"Oh, that's great, Jack!" North smiled warmly. "We haven't heard from him in a while. What did he tell you?"

"Well... Pitch is back."


"Alright, so you all know why you're here," North boomed, his voice echoing through the globe room. After explaining Manny's warning, I helped him call the Guardians to an urgent meeting.

"So what did Manny tell Jack, mate?" Bunny asked.

"Pitch is back," I replied. The Guardians were speechless. They gawked, Tooth's mouth making a perfect O. Sandy was the first to break the silence, if that's what you'd call flashing images above your head instead of speaking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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