Chapter Seven

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I am trying to watch cyberbully for the millionth time, but i felt the need to write. its very tempting.

All of us here probably know that feeling of betrayal , it hurts like hell.

thats all ive been getting latlely.


then they turn around and back stab you.

it's a terrible feeling. and no one should ever experience that.

but I did and I have been for the past couple of weeks.

today I found out that there really is a Sandra hate club and the leader was my "best friend".

awesome to know that someone out there is trying to ruin your popularity, someone is trying to ruin who you are.

you know if I take a step back and look at the world, all of it. I can see who is really my friends.

I also over heard my parents talking about me changing and acting sad.

it sucks to know even your parents sense something is wrong.

I was so fed up with all of today that I just grabbed the knife that was on my desk and put it up against my skin and I was so close to digging that knife in as far as I could, until I got up and dropped the knife I just couldn't do it. I would have that scar for the rest of my life, I would have people thinking I am mental and need some sort of help. like I said before I don't need help I don't need people knowing about my problems, those are my secrets and I don't need people thinking they can tell me why to do.

I hate my past.

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