My Drug

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My Drug

Another Pastel!Dan and Punk!Phil phan fic which I wrote with - guess who, flying_wholock she's so much fun to write with so go check her out! :D She wrote in Dan's POV and I wrote in Phil's POV - enjoy!

Words: 8303

Summary: Dan Howell was the pastel wearing younger brother to Alex Howell. Phil Lester was the tattoo covered, drug taking drummer for Alex Howell's band. Dan just so happened to have a massive crush on Phil Lester even though he was kind of a cocky ass hole. Punk!phil Pastel!dan Band au

Dan: Dan looked in the mirror once more, he was wearing a pair of very tight black skinny jeans with holes in the knees, a yellow button up that had sleeves that stopped at the end of his elbows and of course a yellow and green flower crown. 

He would be lying if he said he wasn't trying to look good for a certain drummer that was coming over to practice with his brothers band. Yes Phil was a cocky ass hole who did drugs and drank maybe more than necessary and constantly made fun of Dan's clothing but that didn't stop Dan from having a tiny crush on him...okay massive crush. 

A knock at the door disrupted him from his thought "I got it!" Dan calls out as he walks to the front door and makes sure his flower crown is straight. He opened it only to be met with the very blue eyes of Phil Lester. Phil had blood trickling down his face and arm he also had a cut above his eye and quite a few bruises...Dan had heard something about Phil selling drugs on the side to pay for some of the bands expenses but he never thought Phil would do something like that.

Phil: Phil limped into the living room - Alex's little brother Dan helping him into to walk. He groaned as he was placed down on the sofa, clutching the gash above his eyebrow. Okay so maybe the deal wasn't a good idea. He had just got some new stock and went to sell some off the street but got beaten by a larger guy and he took everything. Phil felt so stupid because that was a whole month's worth and he would have to pay it back. 

He looked up at Dan, letting out a weak 'thanks'. Dan disappeared for a moment and then returned with a damp cloth and a first aid kit. "Where's Alex?" Phil slurred a little, flinching when the cold cloth was pressed to his head.

Dan: Dan knelt on the couch next to Phil and carefully began to clean up the wounds on the other boys face. "He is over at Alice's...He just left a few minutes ago" he said as he sat himself on Phil's lap so he could get a better look at the cuts. "Shit Phil you're bleeding through your shirt" he said as he lifted the black shirt to reveal a deep gash across his tattooed chest. 'Here hold this to it" he said as he handed Phil another wash cloth just so the blood wouldn't get on the sofa.

Phil: Phil's eyes widened when Dan sat on his lap and he swallowed slightly. Dan looked really concentrated and he felt his body tense up in shock as Dan lifted up his shirt. He flinched a little as the younger boy placed a wash cloth over the wound to clean it. Phil held it to his chest as Dan worked on patching up his head. He watched the boy work away and admired his features from up close. Despite dressing like a marshmallow Alex's little brother was pretty hot and Phil was gay so he didn't exactly hate having this attractive male on his lap.

Dan: Dan felt Phil tense up but continued to work on the small cuts anyway, "Sorry if you don't want me on your lap but it's a lot easier to concentrate this way" he said with a soft smile as he cleaned up some of the dried blood on his face. He then softly took Phil's hand and moved it away from the now bloody wash cloth and as gently as he could, he stared to clean up the large wound. "How did this happen?" he asked softly.

Phil: Phil relaxed a little as Dan cleaned him up. He felt a little embarrassed that he had to have Dan do it for him but he was fine. "I just got in a but if trouble is all. Some guy insisted on not paying me and it blew up from there." Phil replied vaguely. It wasn't exactly a secret that Phil Lester sold drugs so he knew he wouldn't have to elaborate for Dan.

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