Spare Room

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Spare Room

Words: 4048

RP with anakinbridger541 she was Phil and I was Dan.

Phil: They are at the flat, just hanging out. Phil is browsing on his laptop, Dan is doing whatever on his phone. "Dan, I was thinking...what if we started selling some of our junk that's taking up the spare room?"

Dan: Dan looked up from his phone after failing flappy bird once again. "Um ... I suppose. Why?" Dan asked with a raised eyebrow. They had always just accepted the growing junk pile in the upstairs office but maybe it was time to make some space. Why Phil was bringing it up now was curious.

Phil: *looks down* "No reason. Just thought it might be nice to have another room, in case...we have a visitor or something."

Dan: His confusion deepened. "Visitor? We have hardly any friends." Dan chuckled jokingly. "Besides, we use the office for Danandphilgames, won't it be awkward filming with a new bed and shit?"

Phil: "You're probably right. Just..forget about that." *goes back to browsing*

Dan: "What's on your mind Phil? Why the sudden interest?" Dan asked curiously.

Phil: Phil took a deep breath. He wasn't to tell Dan. "I have to think of something to say." 

"Um...I guess it's just something I read the other day. You know...just thinking." he wasn't ready to tell Dan.

Dan: Dan shrugged, "Ok, I mean if you want I guess we could make it look nicer. The sofa bed's getting old so a new one might be a good idea ... do you want to look at some stuff today?" Dan offered, finally wrapping his mind around the idea of having a nicer looking office/spare room.

Phil: *smiles* "Yeah, that'd be cool. I was looking on-line at the prices, and found some good ones on ebay."

Dan: "Cool let's go now then." Dan smiled and slid his phone into his pocket.


Both Dan and Phil walked round Ikea surveying the beds. "What about this one? It's a sofa bed like the office one so we can still save space. It looks much nicer and we can get a decent mattress." Dan explained, bouncing up and down on the bedding with a grin.

Phil: Phil nods. He walks with Dan, but his mind is somewhere else entirely.

Dan: "Something wrong?" Dan asked. He knew Phil well enough to know when he was and wasn't paying attention. He'd get a far-away look in his eyes when he was thinking of something else.

Phil: Phil shook his head "Nothing's wrong, babe. So, we're deciding on this one?"

Dan: Dan sighed and stood up from the bed and wrapped took his hand, dragging him to a quiet corner. Dan then proceeded to wrap his arms round Phil's waist and slide his hands into his back Jean pockets. "What is it hm?" Dan whispered into Phil's neck, kissing it lightly.

Phil: "N-nothing, babe" Phil answered, his voice shaking slightly.

Dan: "Doesn't sound convincing." Dan smirked into his shoulder, nibbling on the bone a little. "You know I'll get it out of you eventually." Dan sighed and kissed Phil full on the lips, lingering because it was their first one that day and Dan wanted to savour it. He loved Phil and he definitely loved kissing Phil. He smiled fondly as they pulled away.

Phil: "You're so perfect, Dan," Phil said, kissing him one more time. He would tell him...sometime, but not yet. "He'll know soon enough" Phil thought

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