I Missed You

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I Missed You

Words: 12661

I wrote this with Amazing_z on Omegle so go check her out - she's awesome :D

Stranger: Dan had had a pretty rough childhood. His mum always had a new boyfriend and not all of had really been all that nice to him. He often found himself begging his neighbours for basic things like food and medicine when he was sick.

The poor boy had every right to be miserable but he had two things that kept him hanging on. One of them was a raggedy leather notebook that his father had given him before leaving. Dan used the notebook all the time, writing some pretty decent songs in it when he was hiding from one of his mum's boyfriends or in classes that he never paid much attention in.

He was a social outcast anyway. The other thing that kept him sane was his best friend Phil. If it wasn't for his blue eyed best friend he probably would have done something stupid a long time ago. Together Phil and his songs kept him in an almost okay place until his sixteenth birthday. He'd never tell what happened that night to make him snap but he went to the train station and got the first ticket to London, never once looking back on the life he left behind.

Six years later, Dan's 21 and he managed to make a decent life for himself. He made it big with the songs he had written as a teenager and was the lead singer of one of the more upcoming bands in the UK, trying to save the kids going through what he had gone through. He looked almost the same, tattoos covering some parts of his skin where he had scars, a longer scar making its way down his face that he refused to cover up from the night he ran.

As he stood backstage meeting some of the fans that had gotten in early he couldn't but think back to his old blue eyed best friend. In the beginning he had tried to keep up some contact but after a few calls it got harder. He missed talking to him and he'd be lying if he said he didn't blame some of his success on Phil. The band's first song to get big was one that Dan had written about him after all. Dan sighed, turning his attention to the next fan that had walked up to him with a smile, the familiar blue eyes causing Dan's breath to hitch. "P-phil?" Dan managed, his heart slowly pounding in his chest.

You: Phil had always contemplated whether or not Dan still remembered him. Of course there were the odd hints here and there - like his first hit song. It was one Dan had written for him a long while back. He missed his friend dearly when he disappeared and it was only a matter of time until they lost contact which was saddening but tolerable. Phil had gone on with his life, sometimes giving his day to wondering what life could be if Dan still wanted to know him.

He sighed and scrolled through the internet - it was his day off work. He was a BBC Radio 1 presenter and had had the opportunity to talk about Dan's band many times which was encouraged by his producer since they were up and coming talent. In fact he was going to their concert on the Monday evening to film some of it for the show. Most of his viewers shared his same interests in music and were all thrilled to hear Dan's band was in the charts.

As Monday evening rolled round Phil gnawed on his lip nervously. He had gotten plenty of commentary on the show and was now to head back stage to see if Dan or any of the others wanted an interview or a word in on the show. He kept wondering whether Dan remembered him or not. Not going to lie, he'd be pretty disappointed if he didn't, but he'd get over it.

Finally, he was face to face with a pair of coffee coloured eyes which seemed to widen once they took in Phil's appearance. "P-phil?" He asked in disbelief and Phil grinned, not believing that his old friend recognized him on first glance - he had changed a little as well. "Hi Dan." Phil beamed.

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