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RP done with flying_wholock I hope you like it! It was a lot of fun to write! I wrote in Phil's POV and she wrote in Dan's POV - enjoy! :)

Words: 7751

Summary: Dan is a single and proud parent of his beautiful 2 year old daughter Lucy. Phil Lester was the pre school teacher at the preschool Dan was happening to take his daughter to. Single parent!Dan Teacher!Phil 

Dan: Dan didn't want his daughter to go to pre school. It felt like she was growing up to fast...even though she was only two. But he still was going to miss being able to be with her all day and being able to have snuggle/movie marathons. 

Dan was a radio show host so most of his work was done from home and he only had to go to the radio station at the end of the week and even then he was allowed to bring Lucy with him. But he found himself only a few days later with Lucy who was wearing her favourite Pikachu dress in his arms listening to her talk about how excited she was to meet her teacher and all the other kids. Dan found himself a minutes later in front of of Lucy's classroom. 

"You be a good girl okay. And if you want Daddy to come pick you up early you just ask you teacher to call me" he said letting her down from his arms and crouched down to her eye level and gave her cheek a kiss.

 "Daddy! We discussed this. I will only be gone for a few hours" Lucy says as he kisses Dan's cheek and hugs him tightly "I love you" she smiles. 

"I love you too princess" Dan smiles as he stands up and takes her tiny hand into his own as he walks into the class room only to find a extremely attractive man with beautiful blue eyes,smooth pale skin, inky black hair and amazing cheekbones walk towards him and Lucy.

Phil: Phil smiled as his students flowed into the room. He was a new teacher - fairly young for his qualifications but he had always had a soft spot for children because of his younger sister. He was always asked by family to babysit and even his parents' close friends. Phil was a natural with children and now he could channel it into teacher and encouraging the young ones to grow into inspirational human beings. 

 Phil watched fondly as the kids said their goodbyes to the parents at the door. Soon enough the last kid arrived. She looked sweet and adorable in her Pikachu dress - her parents had taste. He looked up and was surprised to see an attractive young male saying his goodbyes to her. He looked way too young to be a parent and there was no mother, was he her older brother? Phil decided to go say hi and welcome his last student in. 

 "I love you." 

"I love you too princess." The man responded and Phil smiled to himself at the sweetness. 

 "Hi, I'm Phil Lester - the primary one teacher." Phil introduced himself and held his hand out, trying not to let his eyes rake over the man because he really was quite hot.

Dan: "Hi I am Dan Howell and this is Lucy Howell" Dan smiles and shakes the other man's hand and let his eyes freely rake over the others body. He knew it was bad to be attracted to his daughters teacher, but at that moment he honestly didn't care one bit. If Dan was honest his sex life was currently on the down considering he had a daughter to take care of...of course he loved his daughter but he couldn't help miss being intimate with someone.

Phil: "Nice to meet you." Phil smiled and waved down at Lucy. Lucy grinned back with a bright grin. One dimple popped out on her left cheek and she certainly looked like Dan. They had the same eyes and nose, although her hair was lighter than Dan's with light highlights running through. She was very pretty for her age. 

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