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Collecting my books my locker my little private jam session to 5sos is interrupted by a text message. I swear to God the person must have a good reason for stopping my earphones from playing the beautiful voice of Luke Hemmings.

Mom-hey honey. I won't be home until late tonight so I have left some money on the table for food for you and your brother. Love you x

I switch my phone off and shut my locker leaning against it. I'm not about to go into a long dramatic monologue about how my dad left me, my brother and mom without anything and how my mom now works every minute just trying to get by. Because that's useless. complaining about my life isn't going to change it.

"Why the long face stranger?" a voice pulls me out of my little excursion and I look around to see Caleb. His tussled brown hair hangs over his eyes covering the chocolate orbs. the signature cheeky grin is plastered.

'Just dreading seeing you,' I reply. He places his hand over his heart.

'Ouch. Okay then.' Caleb fakes hurt as I push him laughing.

"Although I would love to see your beautiful face every minute of everyday I have to go to class now," Caleb sighs jokingly.

"Yeah whatever loser," I reply smiling and watch him walk away.
Shaking my head I walk to my next class - history. When I get there I sit down in my seat next to Emily.

"Hey, Riley" she says.

"Hi Em." I reply. I look around and see Stiles looking at pictures on his desk next to mine. I'm about to ask him what they are when the teacher walks in. Our teacher is Mr Yukimura, a girl called Kira's dad.

"Okay class. Today you won't need your books because you will be discussing with your partners." He says. At the word partners me and Emily look at each other and smile. "I will choose your partners." He adds and our faces fall.

Emily & Robert

Charlotte & Harry

Mason & Hayden

Stiles & Riley

After that I zone out. Oh no. No. No. No. Ha. The funny thing is I've kinda had a big crush on him for like ages. Like 3rd grade ages. And this situation just made me want to cry. I turn and look at Stiles to find he is already staring at me. More like glaring. Ugh. Why?

When Mr Yukimura finishes I go and sit next to Stiles. He's looking at some picture that I wish I hadn't looked at - There's people like bleeding silvery stuff. I look away quickly.

"You and your partner will be studying a certain spot of Supernatural." Sir says. I was probably just imagining this but I feel like he directed this to stiles.

Stiles head shot up at the word supernatural. He looks around and stops when he sees Hayden and Mason. They all share a look of worry and disappointment?

Stiles turns back and looks at me.
"Um so do you want to come round mine?" He asks even though he looks like he's actually guessing. If that's even possible.

"For the project I mean." He nervously adds quickly. I laugh and nod.

"Meet at my locker at the end of school?" I ask.

"Yeah okay." He says smiling. I smile back. The bell rings and I go to my next lesson.


I've been waiting at my locker for like 10 minutes and he still hasn't shown up. Typical boy. I take one look around to make sure he's not here and start to walk away. I'm not waiting anymore. I'll just go knock on his door and see if he forgot and went straight home. Just as I was about to open the main door I hear heavy, quite footsteps. I turn around and see Stiles running round the corner. I hold back a giggle watching him struggle and walk back.

"I...I am.....so...sorry...I...was..." He whispers in between breaths. This time I do laugh.

"Yeah no stop talking." I say. "Catch your breath." He nods and puts his hands on his knees breathing heavily.

Once he has caught his breath he fuesture for us to leave and we walk to his Jeep getting in. His Jeep is like God. I worship it so much. Not joking.

"So I was thinking maybe we could do our project on werewolves," I state. "It seems like the easiest topic to do as there's not much to them. They grow into a wolf in a full moon and howl into the sky." I see stiles tense up and grip the driving wheel tight.

"Werewolves are a lot more than that," he replies starting the car up. "There's many different areas of werewolves that are left unnoticed by the world because they're deemed unimportant."

"Well okay then, Mr wolf expert," I laugh. "Lend me all your knowledge for the project. If you know so much."

"Fine. You need educating because you know nothing," Stiles accepts my challenge.

"Did you just insult me?" I fake offence.

"I believe I did," he responds grinning.


Okay so as you can tell I have restarted everything and changed a shit load bc I was just not happy with how it was but yeah.


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