Enter The Night

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I push a tree branch out of my way, after trekking into the forests of Lunavria. 

I hope I don't run into Selene... I think silently.

Though I was doubtful she would recognize me after what I had done, there was always a small chance that I could be discovered. 

A voice behind me brought me back to reality.

"Are you lost, child?" Selene's silky-soft voice floated over me.

I whip around to find Selene leaning against a tree, watching her with wolf-like eyes. I try out my new accent: Lunavrian.

"Just a little lost..." I mutter in embarrassment.

"If you're here for the ceremonies, please, follow me."

I nod and then follow her. I am then led into a campground that is almost unexplainable. It's like America's Next Top Model, an old tv show from before The Great Fall, mixed with this book I read, Living With Wolves.

Selene leads me to a large tent-filled with fifteen to twenty young, beautiful girls about my age.

"Fellow whelps," Selene says, "This is- what did you say your name was again, child?"

Whelps? I think in confusion.

"Uh- Chelsea." I say slowly.

"Yes, Chelsea is, a new contestant for the ceremonies. Make her feel welcome." Selene smiles warmly at me.

"Best of luck to you, child." She whispers in my ear before leaving.

"Hi..." I say nervously to the rest of the girls.


The girls were giggling around the campfire. I felt so lost in all the talk of the ceremonies. What I had gotten out of it was that the ceremonies were held in order to choose a beautiful young virgin bride for the Lunavrain King.

"He's going to review us for training. He's so handsome..." One girl spouted. 

"Those eyes!" Said another. "Like emeralds on a seashore..."

I knew by now that this 'Lunavrian King' was Jason. Which made it all the more critical that I pull this off.

"When do we finally get to see him?" I ask in faked excitement. 

"After archery lessons tomorrow." A blonde, blue-eyed girl says, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "I"m the best archer here."

A petite brunette puts her hand on my shoulder. "Don't mind Megan. She's been a bragger since the womb. Name's Helena."

"Chelsea." I say.

"I'll give you a crash course in Lunavrian customs over dessert." She says, winking.


"Ever since the time of the Ancient Six, Lunavrians have upheld the values of PURITY. Patience, Unity, Respect, Intuition, Thoughtfulness, and Youth. These values were put in place by the first Lunavrian, Lucy Parks." Helena says, her eyes shining with delight as she explains her ancestor's story. I feel a pang of guilt as I think about how fake I am, sitting here. But I have to do this. For Jason.

"Lucy fell in love with... well, this part is top secret. No one in Elementas knows but the Lunavrians." The seriousness in her face is evident.

"Yeah, you can tell me anything." I say absentmindedly. 

"I don't know... infiltrators sneak through our ranks every day. It's like, there's a thing that can transform other Elementals into us."

"Imagine that." I say, rolling my eyes with a smile.

"Well..." She says slowly. "I'll have to ask you a question about us, that only a true Lunavrian would know."

"Shoot." I say, waving a hand lazily.

"What does it feel like when you get a Night Fire burn?"

"Uh..." I say nervously. I light my finger on fire and press it into her arm. "Like that?"

She stares at me, unamused, for a few seconds, and I start to think I may have gotten it wrong.

"Of course!" She says excitedly. "Only a true Lunavrian would actually use fire to explain the effect!"

Only a true Lunavrian? I think. Yeah, right.

"So, anyway," Helena continues. "Everybody's heard of the Ancient Six. But what no one knows but us is that the King had a son. Named Kyle. And that Lucy and Kyle fell in love and had children, but had to go their separate ways in order to preserve their secrets. But the top, top secret thing, is that the King, before he created the Ancient Six, the King performed experiments on his son as well. He turned his son into the first element: water."

I find myself glancing down at the place where my water mark used to be imprinted.

"The water elements died out because Lucy never gave birth to another. It will always be the Lunavrian's greatest secret."

"Wow," I say. "That's quite the story."

"Lucy never had a wedding, and that is why we hold the Ceremonies every ten years." Helena continues. "So one of we young maidens can fulfill the dream that she never got."


The sleeping quarters are really nice, to my surprise. I thought it would be a wolf cave or something... But we get our own beds, clothes, personal supplies, and our own bathroom. The Lunavrians are very resourceful, to say the least.

I brush out my full mane of raven hair and pull it back in a ponytail then change into black shorts and a long t-shirt. Helena notices my faint scars and bruises as I undress.

"Oh...my god." Helena gasps. "Chelsea, what happened?"

"Oh, those are just uh, um..." I hesitate.

There were a few different ways I could play this: I could use the 'my dad abused me' story and gain sympathy, or I could make something up about battle scars and gain respect.

"Knife fight," I say casually. "Couple of thugs almost had me, but I narrowly escaped."

"Wow." Helena says in amazement. "I can't wait to see what you do in close combat class."

"Yeah," I say trying to hide my nervousness.

Fight? I don't know how to fight! Unless Super Smash Bros. counts...


It's late night, around eleven, when I hear a distinct, low howl that arouses me from my sleep. I probably shouldn't be wandering around Lunavrian forests in the dark... alone... but I do this stupid stuff anyway.

"Psst, Chelsea..." I hear a voice call me from behind a thick tree. I whip around and see a tall man with emerald eyes and a crooked grin.

"Uh, your majesty." I say, trying to curtsey awkwardly. 

"Chelsea, you're looking very lovely tonight." Jason says, a wolfish look in his eyes.

"My lord?" I venture. "I- we've never met over tonight."

Jason laughs, his fangs gleaming. "You might as well give up now, Ash. I'd know it's you anywhere." He says, crossing his arms.

My eyes widen in shock. "How did- what? I changed everything! There's no way-" I start.

"The curved scar on your collarbone. I remember it from the first time I saw what Victor did to you." Jason says, his expression one of concern.

I don't say anything... and my eyes are downcast.

"Ashley, what are you doing?"

"I..." I stumble over the words. "I love you too much, Jase. I can't let you go, I just can't. So if this is what you're destined for, I'm going to be a part of it."

Jason smiles. "You've got more guts than I thought, babe."

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