:Chapter 1:

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/\/\your pov/\/\

I've always hated my parents. They were always too busy to spend time with me. But four months ago the small village where we lived was burnt down, the sounds of their screams and the heat of the Flames imprinted in my mind. I've been scared of fire ever since.

For now I'm living on the streets. I gave up on trying to find another apartment after being kicked out of three in the past two months. But I guess it's not that bad anymore. I am a thief, and the best place to be would be the streets, that way I wouldn't be found...

  I sat on a folded cardboard box, my knees pulled up to my chest. It was way too early to be up. I yawned and put my hand on the brick wall behind me to help me up. My clothes were in rough shape. I sighed and stared at all the small rips and tears in them.

I put my arms over my head, stretching out my sore body. My first mission was to find food. I hadn't eaten in a day or two. As a result of not eating much the past few months my body was fairly thin. But I spent a long time packing muscle on to counter it.

Before leaving I ran my fingers through my tangled (h/c) hair, cringing at how dirty it was, then again, my whole body was everything but clean. I walked out of the alleyways and out to one of the main streets.

Almost nobody was up at this time, except for the stores. It would be a very busy day for them. I looked around, finding no restaurants close enough on this street. Giving a heavy sigh I started to walk, my bare feet hitting the pavement caused me to wince.

I faintly remember a restaurant not too far from a man made river. I smiled to myself and nodded, I would go there then.

My mind wandered as I walked. It often did that as an escape from reality. I thought up a perfect world where everyone would be kind and I wouldn't be living alone in dark alleys that smelled of sickness and death. That dream was all that kept me going. I held it close to my heart, even though I knew that it would never be a reality.

After a short yet painful walk I found the small restaurant. Luckily they had breakfast foods, I would hate to have to eat hamburger meat and cucumber bits for breakfast. I walked around to the back door, finding it closed. After a quick turn of the knob I found it was also locked.

I stepped back and glared at the lock with my hands on my hips. There was still a little moisture on the ground and on the random patches of grass. I grinned and held an open hand out towards the door. Small water drops flew up into the air and into the keyhole.

One it was full of water I grabbed it like a key, twisting it inside the lock. I heard a small click. I was getting better at this magic stuff I guess. My brother told me about it before leaving to go join a guild. He used what was called card holder magic.

I pushed the door open as quietly as I could and sneaked in. It was warm inside, and smelled like heaven. I pinched myself so I could focus. I had to find the kitchen.

After a short minute of sneaking around I found the kitchen. The cook had his back turned. I reached over the counter, grabbing whatever I found first. I took my hand back and looked at it, a bagel. Not bad~

I was about to get out of there when the cook turned around, seeing me. He yelled and cursed in another language. I started to run, holding the bagel to my chest. The chef's employees ran after me.

It was just my luck they looked and probably were strong as fûck. I cursed under my breath and kept running. Water...I need to find water. I panted,  my feet hurt like hêll.

I ran out from behind the restaurant, gaining weird looks from civilians. I bit down slightly on the bagel, keeping it firmly in my mouth. They were still after me. A boy caught my eye, pink hair? he stared at me. I found that a bit strange but returned my attention to running away.

Tidal Waves~ : NatsuxReader :Where stories live. Discover now