:Chapter 3:

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/\/\your POV/\/\

I stared at the boy for a minute, desperately trying to figure out why I knew him from somewhere. Then it hit me. He looks like that one boy I saw when I was running from those chef people.

" hey ". A voice snapped me back to reality. The boy now stood in front of me, our faces only a few inches apart. I stumbled back in surprise, a soft blush appearing on my cheeks. His eyes (not orbs!) met mine and I made a desperate attempt to run away.

My feet failed me and I feel back onto my butt. Lucy glanced over in concern having heard the dull thud. " Natsu!? What did you do?" She glared at him, walking over to help me up. " nothing. I was just wondering why she kept staring at me " he frowned, the blue cat with...wings...padded over to stand next to the boy.

I gave a embarrassed smile and accepted Lucy's hand. Once I was standing again I looked at the boy, nervously rubbing the hem of my shirt. " I-I'm sorry...I just kinda zoned out~ " I stammered, finding it hard to keep my eyes on his face.

I had to admit, he was pretty cute. But I have to remember I'm not here to find a boyfriend, I'm on a mission...

" heh, that's okay. Anyways. I'm Natsu! Who are you?" He grinned, his eyes sparkling slightly. " oh, I'm (y/n)." I smiled and let my gaze drift over the mass of people hanging out in this place.

Lucy started dragging me somewhere, I yelped slightly and choked out a bye to the pink haired boy. He just smiled and waved bye. I looked over at Lucy " where are we going?"

She giggled " to see master of course". I sighed inwardly and let her drag me over to a short old man. I blinked in surprise, surely this couldn't be him. " hello there, you must be (y/n)?" He said kindly.

I just nodded in reply, standing up a bit straighter. "From what Lucy has told me... " he started muttering to himself. I cocked my head slightly, giving me a curious look.

" I will offer you a job, you will be payed for it and you can stay with Lucy if it's okay with her, or with Ursa." He looked up at me.
This just keeps getting better...

I nodded firmly " alright, I will accept the job, whatever it may be"
He grinned " great, you can help Mira out for the day then...". " sure " I shrugged, my mind going a mile a minute.

This was going great. From this place I should be able to continue my search for my brother. Lucy smiled " she can stay with me if she likes " I just nodded slightly, taking a deep breath and giving her a small smile " thank you so much..."


The next few days had gone by quickly, Lucy introduced me to several of the other guild members and they, thankfully , seemed to like me. The master paid me as promised, so I could now afford some shoes to wear, though that's only temporary since I only need to wear them until My feet heal.

" (Y/n)! " Lucy's voice interrupted my thoughts. A sigh escaped from my slightly parted lips and I sat up from my makeshift bed consisting of a bunch of pillows and blankets. I smoothed out my baggy t-shirt with my hands and stood up.

A familiar face appeared in the doorway, Natsu. I gave a small wave, my legs stiff from laying down for so long. Happy was at his side as usual. " what's up?" I said, stepping out of my 'nest'.

" not much " he stepped inside, his eyes bright. " Master sent us to get you!" Happy flew up past Natsu's shoulder. " oh yeah, I forgot..." Natsu pouted slightly. I nodded and put on my shoes, only wincing slightly. I cant wait until these things finish healing.

I then walked past Natsu, ruffling his hair. He blushed, following me out to the front door. " hey Luce, I'm going to the guild for a bit~ I will be back for dinner!" I grinned and pulled my shoes on.

We both stepped outside after hearing the okay from Lucy. " hey Natsu! Race you there?" I grinned excitedly. " 3...2..." Before I finished counting he took off with a big grin " h-hey! You can't do that!" I chased after him. " too bad!" He replied. I laughed happily and sped up, only a few feet behind him now.

We raced through the town, sending birds flying and people stepping back, their eyes wide in surprise. He was always a foot or two ahead of me. " I see it!" He grinned, pointing to the guild hall. I smiled and followed him up the steps.

The two of us burst through the doors. The noise caused several heads to turn. " I beat you! " Natsu grinned, a slight blush on his cheeks. " I'll get you next time~ " I laughed, gently punching his shoulder. Happy flew in behind us, out of breath. I smiled and looked around for Master.

" where is he?" I wondered out loud, my head tilting slightly. " don't know..." Natsu shrugged, walking over to a table and sitting down. I joined him, dragging Happy behind me. " (Y/n)...".

I heard a voice behind me, it was Master. I turned to face him. He had a very stern look on his face. I cringed. "Y-yes?".

" we need to talk"

Tidal Waves~ : NatsuxReader :Where stories live. Discover now