Chapter 6

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-Chloe's POV-

I decided to make this fun so I "tripped"

"Ahhhh" I screamed

"Oh my gosh Chloe are you ok" Hayes said running back to me

"I'm good" I say standing up with his help

"You should be more carful, your to clumsy" Hayes said worried

"Nah you should grow a brain and realize some things" I say smirking. Before he has time to react I dart down the stairs.

"That's not fair. You cheated!" He pouted as he walked back in the living room

"What are you talking about?" I say sarcastically

"Well do you want to no what I do to cheaters" he asked with an evilish smirk while walking toward me

"Umm... No" I say nervous

He got really close and was towering over me because of the height difference. He put his hands on my waist and butterflies erupted in my stomach. He bent down so his mouth was near my ear

"They don't call me tickle monster for nothing" he said

I tried to run but his arms immediately wrapped around my waist. He pulled me to the couch and started tickling me. I laughed and screamed.

"Oh my gosh! Hayes stop" I said between laughs

"Why should i. You cheated" he replied

"I'm sorry" u say while laughing

"Hayes I think you should stop now. She can't breath" Matt said

"Ok, ok" Hayes said giving up

Thank goodness for Matt, I was dying

"So are you gonna cheat anymore?" Hayes asked

I was about to answer till jack g walked in saying "she will so she can have you on top of her again"

"JACK?!? Gross! Dirty mind much"

"I don't have a dirty mind I just have a sexy imagination" he said. We all started laughing

"Can we just watch the movie" cam said getting annoyed

"Yo I'm back" Maddie said interrupting

"I though you were tired" Hayes said

"I fell asleep and woke up so now I'm here" she replied

"Great" Hayes said in a mean tone

"Aw love you to haysie" Maddie said

"Anyway, what are we watching" I said

"We decided you girls could pick, but no chick flicks" cam said

"WHAT!" Me and Maddie screamed

We decided on big daddy. I fell asleep in the middle of the movie in Hayes' shoulder. I guess you could say we were cuddling


"Chloe wake up" I hear someone say while shaking me

"Chloe c'mon your mom made you waffles" they said again

That made me open my eyes and realize it was Hayes.

"Good morning" I say with a small smile

"Morning, you should probably eat then get ready, we need to leave soon" he suggested


I got up from the couch. I ate my waffles and milk. I went upstairs. I checked the time in my phone and it was 4:30 am. Damn, to early. I hopped in the shower. It was a quick one, only like 10 mins. I put on a t-shirt that said 2 words, one finger. Then some vs pink, black sweat pants, my cream ugg slippers. Then I brushed my hair and put it into a high pony tail. I grabbed my suitcase and carry on. I sat on the bottom step on my phone waiting for everyone.

"Let's go" cam yelled

We all got into the big van and drive to the airport. We went through security and everything. Then got on the plane. I sat next to Hayes and called window seat. I look at the row before me and it was jack g in the middle. Maddie on the window and jack j on the isle seat. Maddie and gilinsky seemed to really like eachother. Awe I ship jaddie!!

"You look tired you should get some rest" hayes said

I just put my head in his shoulder. I felt his arm sneak around my waist. I shut my eyes and instantly fell asleep.

"Chloe wake up, the plane is about to land.

"I open my eyes and see I was in the same position then I was in the beggining of the flight.

"Good morning beautiful" Hayes said

"Aw good morning babe" I say

We got if the plane and waited for everyone else to get there. Once they arrived we gave hugs and all that jazz. Then we were in our way to the hotel. We got the keys and figured out the sleeping arrangements. I'm sharing a room with Maddie and mahogany.

"Ok guys, we have to meet back here in like 15 minutes so do whatever you want just be back here by then" cam said

I went up to my room and changed into a plain mint green tank top from target (don't judge it's a great store 😂) and some dark wash jean shorts from Hollister. Then some white flip flops because it's hot in San Diego. I see mahogany and Maddie walk in. Maddie and I hug mahogany because we haven't seen her in forever. We just talked about random girl crap until Maddie said "its been 16 minutes lets go" once we get to where the meeting is Bart explained to us about rules and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I wasn't really paying attention. After the meeting we decided to take a walk around San Diego.

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