Chaper 7

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-Cameron's POV-

We were walking down the street for like 2 minutes then Chloe says

"I'm hungry"

"Me to" Matt agrees

Mentally rolling my eyes. When aren't you

" You no what I can't understand" Johnson says

We all have him looks to keep talking

"How Chloe can eat so much but never gain weight" he continued

"That's true, but cheer, soccer and lacrosse help" she said back

"Soo, are we going to eat" Maddie says

"I want chipotle" Chloe said

-Chloe's POV-

Matt and I see chipotle so we run of and order. While waiting for everyone else Matt decisive to make an awkward conversation

"So what's up with you and Hayes missy" he said with a smirk

I blush

"Well, I don't really know, I just met him but it seems like I've known him forever"

"Aww how cute, I ship cayes" mat said happily

"Me to" I say while we both start laughing

"Boo" I hear Carter scream

"Ahh. You scared the crap at out if me" I say while Hitting is shoulder

The rest of the gang walks in. They order and we sit down and eat. We all decided to go back to the hotel then later tonight go to the fair.

Everyone decided to come into Maddie, mahogany and i's room.

"Let's play truth or dare" Taylor says

Typical Taylor I mentally say. Everyone found a place to sit.

"I'll start" Taylor says "Hayes truth or dare "

"Dare" he says bravely

"I dare you to kiss chloe"

My face turned red. I could just feel it. He also blushed

He stood up and walked over to me. He then put his hands in my waist. He leaned in, so did i. When our lips touched I felt sparks fly everywhere, like we where the only people in the room.

We pulled apart because cam walked in the room and pulled Hayes off of me. Shit!

"Stay away from my baby sister" cam said angry and up in poor Hayes' face. I run up between them

"Calm down cam it was just a kiss" I said calmly trying to calm cam down

Cam just sat down like nothing happened. Hayes looked scared and I couldn't blame him. Cam gets really scary when he is Mad. We just continued the cam and thank goodness no one picked me

"Chloe, truth or dare" cam said

Spoke to soon. Cam knows I Hate getting picked that's why he chose me. He isn't the best older brother at times



"Why don't you like Rebecca"

If your wondering Rebecca is his stupid, slutty girlfriend. I don't know if I should be honest or lie

"She has never been nice to me" I say honestly

"She's changed!!" He fires back

"Yeah she's changed because she is using you! My god cam can't you see? She was always a bitch and now that your famous she is trying to be nice to me!!" I say furious (btw I rarley get this mad and yell but when I do you no I'm not joking around)

Everyone is silent

"Why do you make everything about you Chloe! Like can't you just me happy for me! Your such a bitch. I wish you weren't my sister. I would rather have anyone else as a sister!!" He yelled

I just sat there shocked. My hear was broken. Tears leave my eyes and cam sees

"Oh my god Chloe I'm so sorr-"

"Save it cam" I yell and leave the room and making sure to slam the door when I leave. I run down the hall and slide down the wall. I burry my head in my hands and start to cry. I'm very sensitive if you can't already tell. I cried till I got to tired and fell asleep


Waking up I see its 11:34 pm.I have messages from everyone. I figured I would go back. I walk into my room. And it's only the girls. I grab a soccer t-shirt then some nike pros. I walked to the bathroom, changed and liked in the mirror. I had blood shit puffy eyes. I washed my face. I went over to the bed k shared with maddie and fell into a more peaceful sleep.

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