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"Don't wanna be an American idiot."

Walking down the street on a Thursday afternoon whilst blasting Green Day in your ears isn't the most entertaining thing you'd find an eighteen year old doing in her spare time, but I guess I was different to most teenagers.

I wasn't a big fan of crowds, let alone crowded places. I'd rather spend my free time at home or at the library, reading until my hearts content.

It was cloudy out, and I was determined to make it to the library before it started raining. The cloudy weather described my aspect perfectly; dark clothes, pale skin.

Turning the final corner, I reached my destination. I wiped my feet before stepping inside, not bothering to remove my headphones from my ears. I silently waved at the librarian, earning a toothless smile in return. She was old, but she was also one of the kindest people I've ever known.

I adjusted the strap of my bag over my shoulder, stuffing one hand in my jacket pocket as I walked down the different sections, looking for a book that would catch my eye.

Call me old fashioned, but I was the kind of girl that read novels. Pride and prejudice, The Great Gatsby, To Kill A Mocking Bird, you name it, I've read it.

I knew exactly what book I was hoping to find, it was my all time favourite, and no matter how many times I'd read it, I fell in love with the writing over and over again. Wuthering Heights.

I scanned the different sections for the book, reading each tittle slowly so that I wouldn't skip it by accident. Once I spotted the familiar book on the fifth shelf, I reached up to grab it, only just reaching with my fingertips.

I was short, and it was annoying. I got up on my tip toes, and finally succeeded to grab the book. I flipped it over and began reading the back of it, when suddenly, a headphone was yanked out of my left ear.

"Wow, good taste in books, and a good taste in music." I heard a voice speak from behind me. The voice I'd heard was cool and collected, and as I turned around, there stood a boy. This wasn't just any boy, this boy was a fucking sex god. He stood in front of me, with a smirk plastered on his beautiful face. Blond hair, blue eyes, lip ring. Well fuck.

"Oh, uh thanks." I mumbled, not able to find my voice. His choice of words was simple, but they still sent a shiver down my spine that I couldn't quite explain.

"So, which is your favourite song of theirs?" The stranger questioned, as he continued to stand there with one of my headphones in his left ear.

It took me a minute to actually process his question, realising he was asking about the band that currently filled both mine and his ears, that specific band being Green Day.

"Oh, I think I'd probably have to say Holiday, you?" I answered shyly.

"Hmm, I'm gonna go with Whatsername." He answered, tapping his foot on the carpeted floor to the rhythm of the song.

"And by the way, what is your name, darling?" He spoke huskily, inching closer to me with every word he spoke.

"I-it's Lilly." I spoke quietly, taking a step backwards as he came closer, eventually backing me up against the book shelf. I felt uncomfortable, but at the same time, it felt amazing.

"Lilly..I like it." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my neck, causing goosebumps to erupt all over my skin.

"Well, my names Luke. But don't worry, you'll be screaming it soon enough." He smirked, placing one hand on the bookshelf behind me, whilst the other traveled down to my hip. My eyes widened at the words that left his mouth, the shock was evident on my face.

"I'll see you soon, Lilly." He smirked once again, tucking a loose strand of dark brown hair behind my ear, whilst I stood there, still not capable of forming a single word.

"O-okay, see you around Luke." I managed to speak, causing a chuckle to escape his perfect lips.

"I love the way you say my name baby, I can't wait to hear you moaning it." He whispered one last time, before pulling away, letting go of me.

He winked at me before turning around, making his way down the hallway, whilst I watched every move he made until he disappeared out of my sight.

As soon as he was gone, I let out a breath I didn't even know I'd been holding since Luke had approached me, still not processing exactly what had happened between us just moments ago.

I closed my eyes and clutched the book tightly against my chest, making my way towards the woman at the library desk, also known as Mrs Blue. I handed the book over so that she could scan It, waiting patiently for her to finish.

"Here you go dear, have a nice afternoon." She smiled kindly, handing the book back over to me.

"Thank you, Mrs Blue, I'll see you soon." I smiled, shrugging my bag off of my shoulder so that I could put the book away.

I left the library, walking back down the familiar street, whilst Sleeping with Sirens filled my ears.

The events that had occurred still had me baffled and blushing, but I didn't know wether seeing that certain blond boy again would be a good thing, or a bad thing.


Publish date - (6/09/15)

Well hey there guys!
This is the first of many books that I'll be writing for you guys, and I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter!

Please make sure to vote and comment, and as soon as you do, the next chapter will be up!

It's already written, so it's up to you guys if you want it!

I hope you enjoy it,
I love you guys! 💓

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