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"I know if I'm haunting you, you must be haunting me."

Lunch arrived soon enough, and I was just glad to get out of class for a little while.

I made my way towards the cafeteria with Michael by my side, arriving to see Calum already sat at our table.

"I'm so fucking hungry." Michael huffed in annoyance, taking a bite out of his lunch the minute we sat down.

"Mate, you're always hungry." Calum stated whilst he shook his head, making both me and Michael laugh at his words.

"Hey Lukey!" I heard an awfully annoying voice screech. And instantly, I knew exactly who it was.

"Oh please not again.." I sighed, burying my face in my hands as I heard the familiar click of her heels approach our table.

As soon as she reached us, she took a seat. But not in a chair, on my fucking lap.

"How about we go have some fun baby?" She hummed in my ear, peppering kisses against my neck whilst she spoke.

"Chelsea, get the fuck off of me." I stated, annoyance clear in my voice.

"But baby..don't you want me to blow you?" She murmured in an attempt to be seductive. It was anything but seductive, more like revolting the way I saw it.

Now usually, I never turned down a blowjob, but she was seriously freaking me out with all this dirty talk in an attempt to be seductive. And anyway, her lips weren't the ones I wanted to feel sucking me off.

"Chelsea, I said get the fuck off of me." I raised my voice at her, and she instantly stopped her previous actions, quickly standing up.

"Fuck you Luke." She hissed, smoothing out her short skirt whilst she glared at me.

"You wish." I smirked, watching as her face turned red with anger. She stormed away instantly, clicking her heals against the floor whilst she walked.

"Did you seriously just turn her down?" Michael questioned, mouth hanging open as he stared at me with wide eyes.

"I wasn't in the mood." I lied, adverting my gaze down towards my plate of food.

"Not in the mood? Since when do you have to be in a mood to get blowed? And anyway, since when does Luke Hemmings even turn down a blowjob?" Calum asked, shock evident in his voice.

"I just, I didn't-" I began to speak, but Michael cut me off.

"This has something to do with you spacing out this morning, doesn't it?" Michael smirked.

"What? No-" I spoke, but once again, I was cut off for the second time.

"Don't lie to us mate, tell us what's going on." Calum stated, as both him and Michael inched closer.

"I met a girl." I sighed, annoyed that she was messing with my head, even after I'd tried so desperately to forget all about her.

"You what?! Since when do you meet girls?!" Calum shouted. I quickly covered his mouth with my own hand, asking him to shut the fuck up.

"Listen, I don't know what happened, but I met her yesterday afternoon in the library, and she just-" And as usual, I was cut off once again.

"Did she blow you in the fucking library?!" Michael exclaimed, but also managed to keep his voice down at the same time.

"No! That's the problem, she didn't even do anything. She just stood there with this innocent look on her face and I swear if we wouldn't have been in a public place, I would've taken her over my knee." I sighed in frustration.

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