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"Don't ever leave, she said to me."

Waking up the next morning, I realised I must've fallen asleep the previous night with my book in hand, since I awoke with it tangled in the sheets just like I was.

For once in my life I actually woke up before the stupid alarm clock went off, which usually was the one in charge of disturbing my slumber.

The clock was set for exactly 7:10, and to my surprise, I woke up at 6:50. Why? I don't know. I could've slept for another twenty minutes, but oh well.

I placed the book back on my nightstand, and proceeded to get out of bed. I hopped off of my bed and made it once I was stood up, placing all of my pillows plus my grey blanket on top.

Lazily, I made my way over to my white wardrobe and opened it, my eyes scanning through my clothing for an outfit I could wear today.

Eventually, I decided to keep it simple. I mean, it was school at the end of the day, who did I need to impress? No one. I slipped on a pair of light washed denim jeans, I pulled a grey long sleeved top on, and then finally, I proceeded to slip on my black dm's.

I grabbed a brush off of my desk and brushed the knots out of my hair, making sure it didn't seem as if there was a birds nest on my head before school.

If there was one thing that I did manage to appreciate in this world it was my hair. It was never a hassle, it just simply curled naturally, and I was definitely thankful for it.

I sprayed some sweet perfume on and grabbed my bag off of my desk, proceeding to make my way down the stairs.

My mother was sat at the kitchen counter, sipping on her coffee.

"Morning honey, sleep well?" My mum smiled, pulling me into her arms as she stood up, making her way over to the sink with her now empty mug.

"Yeah good, I'm just glad it's Friday." I smiled, earning a chuckle off of my mum.

"Well, I'm gonna head off to school, might as well stop by Ana's on my way, see you later mum!" I called quietly as I made my way out of the door, not wanting to wake my little brother up.

"Okay honey, I love you!" My mum smiled, waving as I opened the front door.

"Love you too!" I waved back, closing the door behind me as I made my way down the path. It was still half seven, and school didn't start until eight; so I wasn't in a rush to get there.

I rubbed my hands together to creat friction as I made my way down the street, hoping to warm myself up a little bit.

I turned down towards the next street and continued walking until I stood in front of my best friends house.

I made my way up her pathway and knocked on the dark red coloured door. Her father opened up soon enough, smiling widely as he gestured for me to come inside.

"Morning Lilly, how are you doing?" He smiled, shutting the door behind me.

"I'm good Mr. James, and yourself?" I questioned politely.

"I'm good, thank you. Ana is upstairs, go on straight up." He smiled, disappearing into the living room.

I headed up the familiar stairs and walked down the hall, barging straight into Ana's room. We'd been best friends for years, we could basically barge into each others houses whenever we wanted at this point.

"Hey Ana." I smiled, flopping down on her bed, whilst she stood in front of her mirror, tying her hair up into a ponytail.

"Morning Lil, so how's life?" She questioned enthusiastically, flopping down beside me once her hair was done.

"Good, I told you this yesterday." I chuckled. Ana was always enthusiastic about everything, smile never leaving her face. Her brown eyes always sparkling, blond hair tied up most of the time. 

You could either be really annoyed by how chirpy she was, or really hate her for it. But me? I've lived with it for years, I was more than used to it.

"Jeremy offered to give us a lift, you cool with that?" She questioned with a smile on her face.

"Yeah sure, no problem." I nodded, smile spreading wider across her face. Her and Jeremy have been dating for almost two years now, basically inseparable. But that was totally cool with me, I loved crashing their dates to third wheel. Just kidding, I respect their privacy most of the time..

I decided on telling her about the little library incident later on in the afternoon when we had more time, I had to tell someone, I don't think I could manage keeping it to myself.

"Come on, he's waiting outside." Ana smiled, pulling me up off of the bed. Even though I had my own legs to move around on, she still decided it'd be better to drag me down the stairs. I came close to tripping more than once, but thank god I managed not to.

We walked down the hall and out through the front door, greeting Jeremy as we headed down the path.

"Hey babe." Jeremy smirked as Ana took a seat in the front, leaning over to kiss her boyfriend.

I got into the back seat and set my bag down, watching as my best friend and her boyfriend sucked each other's faces in front of me.

"Please guys, it's too early for this." I winged, causing the pair to break apart with a chuckle.

"Sup Lilly, didn't see you there." Jeremy chuckled, pulling away from Ana fully, as he started the car up.

"Clearly." I spoke whilst rolling my eyes. I earned a couple of laughs off of both of them, they knew I was only joking anyway.

"So Lil, any plans for the weekend?" Jeremy questioned, hands placed on the wheel, eyes fixed on the road.

"Not that I'm aware of. You know me, I'll probably spend most of my time with Ana or reading." I chuckled.

"But I though that-" Jeremy began, but Ana quickly nudged him, making him shut up instantly.

"You thought what?" I questioned, curious as to what had just happened.

"Nothing, I might be taking Ana out myself." Jeremy chuckled, whilst I huffed in fake annoyance at him.

"I can third wheel by all means." I chuckled, as we finally pulled up outside of our school.

"Well, you can, but sex might get in your way, what about a threesome Lil?" Ana chuckled, earning a disgusted look off of me.

"No thanks, this backseat smells of sex already." I shrugged, getting out of the car once we'd parked.

"Yeah, you should be used to the smell by now. Maybe I should think about putting an air freshener in the back. " Jeremy winked, whilst him and Ana laughed.

"Have a good day, I need to get to math class." I stated, rolling my eyes at my friends as I walked away, heading up towards the main doors.

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