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"Never knew that it could mean so much.."

Waking up early for school on a Monday morning wasn't something I was good at.

My alarm clock had woken me up about five minutes ago, but that didn't mean I wanted to get out of bed, even though I had to.

I sighed loudly as I pulled the warm covers off of my body, lazily making my way over to my wardrobe to pick out some decent clothes for the day (outfit on the top)

I quickly slid my clothes on and pulled on my high tops, tying the laces whilst I sat down on the edge of my bed.

I brushed out my hair and walked into the bathroom, debating on wearing contacts or glasses. It wasn't something I'd usually ask myself, but deep down, I knew I wanted Luke to notice me.

What was I even thinking? Glasses or no glasses, Luke supposedly wanted a second chance, told me I wouldn't regret it; so he's gonna have to deal with the old me, cause I ain't changing for no guy.

I slipped my glasses on and headed out of my room, grabbing my bag as I walked down the stairs.

"Morning mum." I smiled happily, kissing my mothers cheek before I headed over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Morning hon, you're in a surprisingly good mood." My mother chuckled, putting a slice of bread in the toaster.

"It's nothing mum." I mumbled, desperately trying to hide my smile.

What was Luke even going to act like today? I mean, would he even acknowledge me, or would he completely forget? I knew giving him a second chance was risky, but I desperately hoped it worked out.

"Anna's waiting out front in the car with Jeremy, honey." My mother smiled, grabbing a bottle of orange juice out of the fridge.

"Oh,okay. I'll see you later mum, love you!" I waved, making my way out of the kitchen.

"Love you too darling!" I heard her call before shutting the door. As she'd said, both Ana and Jeremy were waiting in his car, so I prepared myself for the ride.

"Hey lovebirds." I grinned, getting into the back seat. I didn't know how Ana would react to the news I knew I needed to give her sooner or later. She hated Luke, but I couldn't bring myself to feel the same way.

"Morning Lil, where were you yesterday?" Ana questioned, turning around in the front seat.

"Oh, I had a load of homework to get done." I spoke, not making eye contact with my best friend. I was lying, and she could always tell.

She raised her eyebrow with a questioning look on her face, but I just shook my head at her.

I was going to tell her, I just didn't know how. We drove to school in silence, the only source of sound being the radio that was switched on.

"I'll see you girls after school, bye babe." Jeremy smiled, kissing Ana's cheek before heading off to his first class.

"I know something's up, spill it." Ana stated clearly as we walked towards the gates.

"Listen, don't get mad at me or anything, but remember on Saturday night when you made plans with Jeremy?" I questioned, gripping my bag strap nervously whilst she nodded.

"Well Luke happened to be there when you called, so he invited me to a party." I sighed.

"What? Why was Luke at your house in the first place?!" She questioned loudly, whilst I shushed her to be quiet.

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