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Words in the Old Tongue:

• Belah = [bay-law] “Attention,” emphasis is added to “lah,” which is deeply pitched, and is accompanied by an almost derisive tone 

• Belaula = [bell-uh-oo-law]“I await your command”

• Evjo = [ev-joe] “Farewell”

• Kevlak = [kev-lock] Loosely means “no discrepancy or weakness present”

• Yavondimas = [yah-vone-duh-moss] “Yes sir/ma’am,” a respectful answer

• Yavone = [yah-vone] “Yes”

Modern words:

• Ak = [ah-kuh] Short for people from Akora, usually only used by the Jeks, serves as a derogatory term as well as a noun.

• Akoran = [uh-core-in] People from Akora, widely used.

• Ancient = When used in conjunction with “Ancient west” or “Ancient Kargon”, it is generally referring to pre-Hujjaran times, which are primarily myths and legends.

• Blood raid = A Bomurjek tradition that is interwoven into its culture.  A warrior group from one or more tribes will pick a target, either another tribe or even an entire city in another country.  Then they go out and try to kill as many members of the target as possible until they are victorious, their bloodlust is satisfied, or the last warrior dies.  The raids are used to keep seasoned warriors in practice and as a “rite of passage” for novice warriors.  The most fearsome tribes brand their insignia on the side of the face of novice warriors who have survived the rite of passage.

Boman = [bow-men] People from Bomurjek, outdated and rarely used.

Clan = A term used to describe old Eastern Realm factions, usually larger than a tribe.

Commons Decree = One of two rules installed by Khivar that any form of leadership must abide by.  For royalty, from the age of 6 to the age of 18.  Every year, the royal member must travel to a city and stay there for one week.  From there, they choose a profession in which they choose to work for half the going pay rate.  The royal member must choose a different city and profession to help each year and must stay a minimum of 7 days or a maximum of 14.  For non-royal leaders, a modified version of this practice applies the moment they enter their position.  One week out of every year, leaders must choose a profession within their own city to aid for free.  They are required to sleep at the local inn, and pay for all expenses themselves.  They cannot choose the same profession for five consecutive years.  They may not exercise their positional power on anyone or anything.

Eastern Realm = One of two recorded geographical cultures in ancient Kargonan times.

Elementalists = People infused with the ability to command elemental forces.

Faction = A term used to describe both the clans of the old west and tribes of the old east.

Hujjar = [hoo-jar] First recorded warlord in Kargonan history who rose to power in the Western Kingdom, hated by almost everyone for his barbaric and tyrannical ways, died in battle and was succeeded by Kargonah. It is unknown whether Hujjar is first or last name.

Jek = [jeck] Short for people from Bomurjek, eventually became widely used.

Kargon = [car-gone] The name given to all the land.

Kargonah = [car-go-nuh] Was once King Hujjar’s wife, succeeded him as Queen after his death.  Her reign yielded many scientific and economic advancements.  She was renowned for her diplomatic skills and was beloved by nearly all of her people as well as those from the Eastern Realm.

Khivar Cen’re Azarante = [kih-var, sin-ree, az-er-on-tay] The most famous and arguably most esteemed figure in all recorded history, he earned the title “The Indomitable”, which is used frequently by the Akorans in reverence.

Khivaran Era = [kih-var-in] (KE) Official calendar era designated by the Khivaran Court, after the consolidation of Kargon, that begun the modern age and continues to the present time.  Also known as the Golden Era, particularly when Khivar came to power and until he died.

Mando = [man-doe] The faction of rebels in the Mondejan civil war which opposes the Mondejan council.

Mon = [mahn] Short for people from Mondejio, primarily used by the Jeks.

Mondej = [mahn-deezh] Short for Mondejio.

Mondejan = [mahn-dee-zhin] People from Mondejio; widely used.

Old = When used on conjunction with “Old east”, or “Old Kargon”, it is generally referring to the Hujjaran, Kargonah, and Khivaran Era.

Pel = [pell] Short for people from Peldast, primarily used by the Jeks

Peldasten = [pell-dass-ten] Those from Peldast; widely used.

Queen Kargonah Era = [car-go-nuh] (QKE) Official calendar era designating history before the start of the Khivaran Era, 1 QKE marks the beginning of recorded history.

The Rule of Enlightened Despotism = One of two rules installed by Khivar that any form of leadership must abide by.  Rulers of Kargon must embody these to rule in any position:  act fairly and justly; make rational and logical decisions; proliferate the arts, science, and education; provide for the common defense of those they rule; maintain and protect property rights; maintain and protect the judicial system; protect citizens’ right to free speech; prevent persecution of different beliefs or faiths; make every effort to bring tyrannical or oppressive domestic leaders to justice.

Tribe = A term used to describe the old Western Kingdom factions, usually smaller than a clan.  Also used to describe the factions that make up modern-day Bomurjek.

Users = Another term for elementalist.

Vari Academy = [ver-eye] The most prestigious military officer training academy in all of Akora and arguably all of Kargon, it requires a minimum of six years to graduate with a minimum age of eligibility set at 16 (the maximum age of eligibility being 18).

Western Kingdom = One of two recorded geographical cultures in ancient Kargonan times, came into being after Hujjar conquered all of the western tribes.

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