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*Please note, the below descriptions can be influenced and are subject to the varying degrees of power an individual elementalist (or “user”) has.  Elements are not balanced by design.  For a more detailed description, see the “Considerations” section.


•Commands air •Strong against: fire, water •Weak against: earth, ice •More powerful users can exploit the air in someone’s body or create a vacuum around a person.


•Commands the dark, direct opposite of light •Neutralized by: light (whoever is stronger usually wins) •More powerful users can enter the minds of others to forge emotions such as horror or sorrow and do not even have to see those whom they are attacking.


•Commands elements of earth and can manipulate material that contains it •Strong against: fire, ice, lightning •Weak against: water (very situational) •More powerful users can cause earthquakes or move massive amounts of land.


•Commands fire and can manipulate heat •Strong against: ice, light (very situational) •Weak against: earth, water, air •More powerful users can create fire from heat sources or may overpower air.


•Commands ice and can manipulate ice crystals •Strong against: water, air •Weak against: earth, fire, lightning •More powerful users can turn liquid into ice, or manipulate the cold.


•Commands the light (but not the sun), direct opposite of dark •Weak against: fire (very situational) •Neutralized by: dark (whoever is stronger usually wins) •More powerful users can heal, inspire hope, or intensify light to searing hot levels.


•Commands lightning and, consequently, thunder as well •Strong against: ice, water, air •Weak against: earth •More powerful users can channel lightning through ice as they would through water or influence electrical impulses flowing between the human brain and the rest of the body.


•Commands water and manipulate other liquids surrounding it • Strong against: earth (very situational), fire • Weak against: ice, lightning • More powerful users can manipulate the water in people’s bodies, draw precipitation from clouds, or manipulate ice.

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