Chapter 8

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*shawns POV*

The next day I wake up to my phone going off over and over. I grab it off my nightstand and look at it. There's tons of notifications from vine going off, and they keep coming. I'm getting comments and likes. I turn on my phone confused and sit up. My video had gotten 10,000 likes over night. I did not believe what I was seeing.

All the comments read things like 'your voice is so good' 'he's so cute' 'I'm in love'.

"Aaliyah!" I yelled.

"What?" I heard her yell from her room.

"Come here real quick!" I yelled back and a couple seconds later she appeared in my door way.

"What Shawn?" She said and I hold out my phone so she can see what I was seeing.

"What are you- oh my god!" She said surprised. "How did you get all these likes and comments?"

"I don't know. I just posted a cover last night. I just woke up and all of this is happening. I don't really know what's going on."

"Shawn, your getting so many likes, what if you become famous from this? You should post more, even put some on YouTube!" She said excitedly.

"I'm not sure. I mean that would be amazing to become famous, but I doubt it will happen."

"Come on, just try Shawn." She says and leaves my room.

I think about it for a while. Maybe I should.

*2 months later*

It's been a while now since I posted my first cover on vine, and now I was invited to join magcon. I couldn't believe how far my 6 second covers and couple of YouTube videos had gotten me.

I was contacted by the manager of magcon and invited to join for the tour. I couldn't be any happier than I am right now. I'd get to meet the fans I had gained in the past two months and the many more I'd get on tour. I would also be able to sing songs for people like I'd always wanted to do and I just couldn't believe my opportunity.


Me and Sahara hadn't talked since the day I moved. I've thought about texting and calling her many times but I just never did. I was pretty sure she hated me for not telling her till last minute and I know it upset her. I wish I could just redo everything. Tell her how I feel too. But I messed everything up and there's a chance we will never talk again.

I thought about telling her the news about vine and magcon but she probably would be to mad to care, and it would kinda be rude to randomly just call her after two months to tell her something like that.


I just finished packing all of my things. Today I had a flight to Houston. The first show is tomorrow and I'm meeting the rest of the guys at the airport.

This whole magcon thing also means I get to miss school which is one of the best parts. I hated my new school. I wasn't really friends with anyone and there was a couple of girls that would never leave me alone, always asking if I'd wanna go to a party with them. Missing school is like a dream come true.

Soon it's time to leave. I say bye to my mom and Aaliyah, my mom crying and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Then I get in the car and my dad drives me to the airport. It's just me on the plane and I'm sat next to an older man in a suit. I just put my headphones in and rest my head in my hand. I stare out the little window for a while until I fall asleep.

After a while I wake up and my hand hurts. I rub my neck and look around. The man next to me is sleeping. I look out the window and it looks like we'll be landing soon. I wait as we land and stretch. The man next to me wakes up and when everyone is allowed to stand he leaves and I follow after him.

In the airport I look around for a group of guys with girls crowding around them. I walk around looking for them when I suddenly bump into someone, and that someone is Matthew Espinosa.

"Hey! You're Shawn right?" Matt said turning around.

"Yeah it's me." I said smiling rubbing my neck awkwardly.

"Well it took you long enough to get here! Come on we're already late." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me toward the rest of the boys.

"Guys I found Shawn!"Matt yelled.

I was greeted by 10 smiles. A man I believe named Bart walks up to me and shakes my hand.

"Hello Mr. Mendes. I'm Bart, if you didn't know that already. We're so glad you can join our team." He says.

"Thank you. I'm very thankful you let me join." I say back.

I already know all the members and seen some of there stuff, so I already know a little about them, and they've probably seen some of my stuff too.

When I was first invited to join I had only talked to Bart on the phone. I've never met or talked to the other members before.

"Hey Shawn!" I turn around to see a guy with brown hair and brown eyes waving at me.

"Hey" I say, recognizing the guy as Cameron Dallas.

"I'm Cameron, if you didn't know. You can call me Cam if you want to." He said with a smile on his face.

"Cool. I've seen some of your stuff, your vines are great." I say trying to be nice.

"Thanks man, let me show ya around!" He yelled. There has been a lot of yelling so far.

"Well you already know Matt" he said pointing towards him.

He then pulls me towards a girl with lots of curly hair and cat ears. I didnt know there was a girl in magcon.

"This is Mahogany" he poked the girls shoulder making her turn around whacking me in the face with her hair.

"Oh I'm sorry! You must me the new guy, Shawn right?" She asked putting her hand out for me to shake it.

"Yea I'm Shawn, Shawn Mendes" I say smiling she's really polite I hope all of them are like that.

"I'm Mahogany Lox" she said with a smile, as Cam pulled me towards the rest of the members.

"I wanted to introduce you to Mahogany separately cause she's a girl. It'll make sense later." He drags me towards the boys.

"GUYS INTRODUCE YOURSELVES TO SHAWN!" He screamed, grabbing everyone's attention.


After meeting all the boys it was time to go on the bus. Now I was with Nash because Cam and Matt were talking.

"So when we get on the bus I'm gonna show you your bunk. You're lucky you get bottom bunk you don't have to worry about dying if you fall off during sharp turns" he says laughing.

"Wait you guys actually fall?" I say laughing along.

"Well actually Matt has he's really clumsy" he said smiling.


When we get to the bus Nash does what he said, which was show me my bunk. They all went straight into their bunks and went to sleep.

I don't think I can sleep I'm so excited. But eventually my eyes shut and I'm sound asleep.




(A/N) sorry we haven't updated in forever we had sever writers block and now that school is starting we can't update as frequently so here's a long chapter! Please don't forget to vote and comment!~ Alex

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