From Scorching Hot To Freezing Cold

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Picture is Ilsa's dads mansion...

It was probably around midnight when Tut reappeared. Obviously Zombie-Mummies don't sleep. But we weren't sleeping either. Well Ilsa and I weren't.

"I trust you have been treated well?" He said. Ilsa smiled gratefully and curtsied. I nodded, and then remembered to curtsy. 

"Your grace, I have something that belongs to you" Ilsa said putting her hand out with the ring in it.He took it but examined it, rather than pocketing it.

"This was my half sisters" He said.

"You mean your wifes'?" I asked bluntly. He nodded, and gave it back to Ilsa.

"I believe that you should keep it" He said. A small smile played on his lips, but then disappeared. Ilsa slipped the ring on her middle finger, he watched her carefully. They say opposites attract, well that explained Tut and Ilsa perfectly. Her light hair, fair skin, grey eyes and friendly demeanour. Then his dark hair, dark eyes, bronze skin and hostile demeanour. But I didn't say anything because maybe he was just being friendly. Wow, friendly king? Who am I kidding. "I spoke with the muse and she says confirmed my suspicion: the jewel was stolen" Ilsa gasped loudly.

"Ilsa? It's not that much of a shock. The place was excavated and tomb robbers attacked the place his mother was buried-" She cut me off.

"Thats not it" She said. "I have seen the jewel before. I know where it is. It was another thing the excavators didn't see that my Great grandpa... Well stole really. Its at our place, in Sweden, with a bazillion other artefacts my family has" I sighed.

"Ilsa. Sweden, not Egypt" I pointed out. She smirked.

"The fog hasn't reached. Mosnar is on the opposite side of the world from Sweden. Thats where the fog started. Where we were was not that far from Wellfort. Which in theory would mean that the fog hasn't reached it. And Clio gave me this" She pulled out a bag that read: The Everything Bag.

"God, Ilsa. You never cease to amaze me" I said shaking my head. She smirked. 

"Then you will listen to my next proposal"

"God. You are getting all royal on me. What's your 'proposal'?" SHe smiled innocently.

"Can we take the Tutankhamun?" She asked. Her voice was sweet as sugar and her eyes wide with innocence.

"Okay" I replied. She smiled. 

"My dad is going to have a fit" She said. 

"I don't doubt that. If I remember you sort of did too" She pouted.

"You remember nothing" She said mysteriously. "WHat do you remember" She asked again.

"Nothing apparently" I said sarcastically. Walking over to wake the others. 

"Good" She replied. When I shook him, Nolan slapped me in the face.

"OWWW!" I yelled slapping him back. Ilsa burst out laughing.

"Sorry. Thought you were one of the wolf dudes" He rushed into saying.

"Am I really that ugly?!" I screamed. One of the Wolf guys turned to and glared. "Sorry" I said. Anyways, we walked outside. Tut shielded his eyes from the light. It was pretty dark really, but lighter than the pitch dark tomb. Ilsa reached into the bag and muttered something. SUddenly there was a huge jet in front of us.

"Who's on driving?" She asked. "Well monitoring, really.  Jets haven't been flown by humans for ages"

"I dibs it!" Will said sprinting up the stairs, two at a time.


Another short, into-new-idea chapter. Okay guys!I am going to do a two-part chapter next entirely based on Ilsa's thoughts. Its only fair seeing as we are on her turf now ;) Anyways, they will be called, Ilsa 1 and Ilsa 2. Just a quick warning to change your thoughts from Lilith to Ilsa.

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