Ilsa 1. Stockholm, Sweden

17 1 2

Picture is Ilsa's room...

We got out of the plane, which landed in a field outside my parents mansion, as soon as we were out I made the plane disappear. We had gotten changed into warmer clothes before we took off, about four hours ago. We were all dead tired (Ironic! I know!), and we might have a week before the fog reaches here, at the top of the world, on the other side of the world from where the fog started its horror-filled journey. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Thank god my whole family spoke english.

"If grandpa answers, I warn you, he is a little... Senile. He is over one hundred and... Yea" I warn them. Grandpa didn't open the door it was our butler. 

"Ilsa?" He asked.

"Surprise!" I yelled.

"Ilsa!" Said my little sisters, Danny and Elle said running down the stairs. 

"Hey guys! What are you doing up so early?" I asked.

"Because dad gets up early. He is at the musim now" Ella said. She was the youngest, at four.

"Elle bell, you know its museum not musim" I corrected her, lifting her into my arms.

"Ilsa?" Asked my mother. As usual, she looked tired and stressed, but miraculously beautiful, as she walked down the stairs in her linen nightdress that was so long it trailed. 

"Hi mom" I said.

"I thought you were dead" She said, her eyes welled up with tears. "Wellfort was hit by- the thing ages ago" She said. I nodded. "Come in, your friends too. If you want I can put Danny and Elle back to-"

"No" I interrupted. "Don't put them back to bed. I will explain everything" I looked at Tut. "Maybe not everything" I added quietly. Mom would have a fit... Danny and Elle went completely hyper. About a month ago, I had been sent to go to school in Wellfort, I was staying with my mother's brother and his wife when the fg hit. 

"Hi Grandpa" I said kissing his forehead. 

"My pojke is an idiot" He grumbled. "He keeps losing things my father found... He lost the Nefertiti bust last week. I askeded him: How you lose such big heavy thing lura?  He sayed: How did you lose Cleopatra's writing tablet? Can you believe that sötnos? And the doctors say I be the crazy one!" He scoffed. I shook my head.

"I completely agree Morfar" I pretended to agree. "Heyyy Morfar?" I asked.

"Yes, sötnos?" He replied.

"Do you know where the big jewel stor morfar took from the Tutankhamun tomb is?" I asked, he nodded.

"Its up in the history room, your father's office" He said.

"Great Morfar!" I said. I explained all the not crazy things to mum, who listened intently, and then we were allowed to go. I took my seven friends up to my room and tidied all the imperfections.

"You didn't happen to mention that the interior of your house is like ancient egypt in the wrong place at the wrong time!" Hope yelled.

"Didn't I?" I asked, brushing dust off my Nefertiti bust.

"Uh, no. Considering we have one Egyptian king and a Greek muse-" She began.

"Well he will feel right at home then" I said, pulling out my extra mattresses and blankets. "Right Tut?" I asked. Like everyone else he was busy studying the miraculous (Seriously expensive) architecture of our house. 

"Yes" He replied simply. I could tell that he was way out of his comfort zone. I feel really sorry for him to be honest. Danny and Elle returned and told me that the cook had some food if we wanted any. We denied and Danny (age six) sat down next to me.

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