Ilsa 2

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Picture is the Jewel...

"Okay, let's all die! Ilsa said herself it would be easier" Will said, but for once he said it seriously, so seriously in fact, it was easy to believe.
"I said that when I thought I was going to die. Never take life to seriously, you'll never get out of it alive. Why trust me?" I snapped. I snatched the jewel off the floor and brushed off its already shiny, glowing surface.
"Because you are the logical one...?" He replied.
Suddenly the lights flicked, and a rumbling began, then the lights turned off. A voice that was low and guttural echoed off the walls.
"To true child of the sight. You will never get out of this alive, at least you won't. I am no longer as sure about Lilith, daughter of the saviour Titan. She may yet have a chance in my new world, however destiny has written your fate in stone" It said.
"Do not say that. Nothing is written in stone, Death-thing" Lilith cursed loudly as she kicked something, hard.
"He is right Lilith. I have always known that my life would be short and sweet" I felt a lump in my throat and a stinging in my eyes that could not be held back long. The lights turned back on, and everyone, dead or alive, looked scared to death. Then everyone, save for me, began to curse and talk so angrily and confusingly that I stopped trying to keep up with everything. I sat on my father's computer desk and examined the stone more closely. It had a large crack through the inside of the centre, which made it sparkle. My ring clicked against it as I touched it; it was larger than my fist.
"Its quite beautiful isn't it? I honestly can't believe I forgot about it" Said Tut, sitting beside me.
"Uh, yea. It's very... Sparkly. But I expect there were many beautiful things that you possessed, maybe this one just slipped under your radar. And you probably have no idea what I mean by that" I realised. He smiled, and I chuckled.
"Thats true" He replied.
"Do you miss them? I ask this, because I expect I too shall be dead soon" I said solemnly.
"Sometimes. I was king from a very young age, and unfortunately, that means you are governed by regents, advisors and powerful Lords who think they know better than you" He glared at the floor as he said this. I had noticed in the tomb that he used this to express anger or disapproval, probably better than his rage, which we know from historical documents etc. we're very unpleasant. Perhaps people change a bit when they have been dead? They may become pacified in ways that the living cannot understand via science or experimentation.
"I think Lilith would have murdered everyone who disagreed with her, she gets very snappish when you disagree with her" I say laughing slightly at how she was glaring at Nico who had just contradicted her.
"Some befell that fate during my riegn, I don't regret it either, they were the most narcissitic people on earth" He did the 'glare at the floor because the floor is an evil Lord who is trying to take over the world!' thing. I tucked a bit of my hair behind my ear to hide my amusement.
"And let me guess: Ankhesenamun had absolutely no say in anything. Right? Women were,and still are just pawns in the long, very large, many teamed, and colored game of chess that is life. They are just their to deliver heirs into the world and that's it" I said daringly.
"She didn't have as much influence as what my mother did, but I listened to her... Most of the time" He added under my intense gaze. I have that way with people, that if they look at me glaring at them for long enough; they will tell me anything.
"What I thought. Was she a good wife and queen?" I asked.
"She was okay. At both things. She was the only girl in Egypt that I was willing to marry. The others were either to common or not my age" I nodded.
"I mean no disrespect by asking this; but did you love her?"
"I loved her like the sister She was to me. There was no such thing as love for the people of my dynasty" He explained.
"Ilsa, who is smarter me or Angie?" Demanded Hope.
"You both have redeeming qualities that make you Hope and Angie, but I am afraid smarts aren't one of them. I don't care about how smart my friends are, only that they are true" I reply. I don't answer questions such as that. I don't think it matters, sometimes the dumbest person can outsmart the Einstein.
"Judging by that speech you would have been a good Queen" Tut says.
"Thank you" I reply. I look away, as I can feel his gaze on me. Lilith stomps towards us.
"Nico is going to die" She growls.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because he doesn't believe that the fog is the same thing as what just came. But I know it is, for a fact" She explains.
"Okayyy. Did you take his thoughts into consideration Lil? You should know you have a habit of not doing that" I say.
"Ummm... No, because I know he... Might have been wrong" She admits under my glare treatment. I give a sweet smile and return to looking at the stone.
"You found it!" She gasps.
"Yea. Just lying beside Nefertiti. Kind of coincidental I think. Well, maybe" I say winking to Tut, who smirks.
"How can you admit to your death so easily Ils?" Lilith asks.
"Because, as I said, I have always known it, and you can't get out of life alive. We all have to die eventually, right? Besides" I start shrugging. "The fog brings back the dead right? So if I die here, I will be drying amongst a bazillion deceased vikings" I say laughing.
"True. So technically we die, but don't die" She replies.
"Yeah. So it's not goodbye, it's more like: see ya in a sec sis" I say dramatically. She smiles. I give the stone to her.
"You guys go whenever, but I am not leaving my family" I say.
"And I am not leaving you either Ilsa" Tut says, his dark eyed gaze falling on my grey one. So light that my iris' have almost no pigment. I smile.
"We stay, and he can babysit me and make sure I don't get eaten by the mat down the hall" I joke, trying to make light of the situation.
"You know we disturbed the tomb of Tutenkhamun, so we are kinda cursed" Lilith points out.
"Thats my fault. Sorry about that" Tut says, joining in on the random joke front.
"Dont apollo-gise to us, apollo-gise to Howard's budgie" I say laughing hysterically.
"And all the people that first went into the tomb, because they all died young, well a while after they open the tomb" Lilith adds.
"We are the crazy ones" I say.
"Yeah. I am the tomb finder, and the tomb breaker inerer, and you are the lover of mummies and dead people and things" She says wiggling her fingers in a spooky way. I elbow her.
"I don't love dead things. Well maybe just a little" I say shyly.
"Your blushing" She teases.
"Shut up Lil, or I will feed you to the hungry mat down the hall" I threaten sarcastically.
"Sure, sure"
"Lil-ith" I say painfully. "Shut up"
"Yes, your majesty" She says. I let my hair curtain off my face that feels so hot it might be glowing.
"I am going to hurt you"
"N, your majesty"
"Lilith Shackleton" I snap.
"Yes, your majesty, it is my name don't wear it out" I groan and try and find a not awkward way out of this situation, and have the revelation that there is none and stand up, shove Lilith, hand the stone to her and walk downstairs. Closely pursued by the other victim of Liliths teasing.
"Is she always that sarcastic?" He asked. I giggled.
"Dunno. Haven't known her for that long" I replied.
Sorry for the kind of carp ending there. It's just I have had this chapter up for all of this week and I haven't done anything with it so I was just like: Meh. Anyway the plot thickens. I always have lots of twists and turns in my books, and that's kind of characteristic of my writing. But I always planned a kind of secretive character in this book, but I wasn't sure who or what. Lisa kind of just struck me as the right person for the job after the shark attack chapter. After that the twist and secret came to me in a seriously bizarre dream. Anyway thanks for reading! Comments and votes are welcome as always ;)

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