Chapter 12

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Jen's POV
"Okay, boys. I'm off." I announced.
Louis sighed, "Jen, why are you going back to Iowa before we're even done?"
Louis had a point but I was beyond ready to go home.
"Lou, I miss being normal okay? And to be quite honest, I miss my mom. So I'm leaving. I'm going home for a couple of days and then I'm off to Illinois to see my family."
Two arms wrapped around me from behind, "Do you have to leave me?"
I smiled, "Yes Harry, I do. I'm sorry."
"I-um, I'll miss you."
I turned around and put my arms around his waist, "I'll miss you too, Haz."
We met halfway for a kiss.
"Okay." I said pulling away. "I'm really going now. I can't miss my flight."
"Bye Jen!" Niall, Louis and Liam all chorused.
Harry walked with me to the back door. "Jen?"
I turned to face him, "Yeah?"
"I want to tell you something before you go."
"I, um-"
"HARRY C'MON!" Liam shouted.
"ONE MINUTE!" Harry replied. Then he looked back at me.
"Okay, here it goes. Jen, I love you. And I know it probably seems too early to say it, but it's how I feel. I know you told me that it's difficult for you to trust people, but I want you to trust me when I say this. I love you so much and I'll spend the rest of my life trying to get you to believe it."
I smiled up at him. "Harry, that means the world to me-"
"B-but you can't say it back?"
My heart broke for him, "I want to, but I'm not ready."
He leaned down and kissed me, "It's okay, love. I want you to be comfortable. I'm sor-"
"No." I stopped him, my hands covering his mouth. "Don't apologize for telling me that you love me. I love hearing it from you and you've only said it once."
"HARREH!" Niall yelled.
"You should go." I said.
Harry nodded. "Yeah and so should you. I don't want you to be late."
I kissed him one more time. "Bye Harry."
"Bye, love."
The flight was quite boring to be honest. The wifi wouldn't connect to either device so I used my notebook and just doodled.
When the plane landed I texted my dad that I was here. He offered to pick me up and there was no way I could say no, plus he was bringing my little sisters.
I made my way to the front of the airport and I was tackled by three girls; my sisters.
"Hey girlies. I missed you all!" I kissed each of them on their heads.
"We missed you too!" The youngest one, Rachel said.
After the girls let go I looked at Dad. "Hi, Daddy."
He smiled, "How's my sweetpea?"
I smiled and hugged him. "I'm good. How is everything here?"
"Its good. We're glad you're home."
"Me too."
After getting my bag we headed to my apartment so I could pack a few things and get my car. My dad let Rachel hang out with me for the day so he left.
"So, how was it?" She asked as I started a load of laundry.
I smiled, "Amazing, Rach! Like, each day something else would happen that just made it worth it."
"That's good."
"How's school?"
"Awesome!" She went on to tell me all about it; even talking about a couple girls who made fun of her for what I was doing.
"I'm sorry they treat you like that. That's not fair." I said eventually.
Rachel shrugged, "It's whatever."
"How is it whatever?" I asked, folding shirts and handing them to her to put in my bag.
"Because I know you're doing something you love to do and that you're happy."
I paused and glanced at her. "How are you only twelve?"
She gave me a sassy look, "You were there, you tell me."
We laughed and talked for the next couple of hours and eventually left.
I took her with me to go see our older sister Jessica and her pets. Then we went to our dad's. I was staying with them for one night and then we all go to Illinois to see family. I'll drive seperate though so I can go visit my mom and her family too.
My phone went off and the boys' new single rang through the quite house.
"Crap" I muttered as I searched the bed to find my phone.
"Hello?" I finally answered it.
"Hey girl."
"Hey Kat. What's up?"
"When are you back from Illinois?"
"I'm leaving in a few hours to meet my dad at the interstate. Why?"
"Well because I have a surprise waiting for you."
"Awwhh bae! Really?"
"Yes!" She chuckled. "But you've got to wait to see what it is."
"I thought we said no presents this year."
"Eh! I changed my mind, but I promise you'll love it!"
I chuckled, "Alright well I'm going back to sleep. You should too."
"Alright. See ya later today!"
"See ya bae!"
As we all pulled up to my dads house, I noticed a black car at the end of the street. When I got out of my car and started walking inside, the car flashed its lights. My whole family turned towards it.
"Who is that?" My step-mom asked.
It took me a second. I gasped, "Oh my gosh! It's my early Christmas present from Kat!" I exclaimed.
"Well that didn't really answer Mom's question." Rachel countered.
"It's my boyfriend."
I heard my family chuckle as they walked inside. I know they didn't believe me when I told them about me and Harry.
Sure enough, Harry stepped out of the passenger seat and walked over to the house.
"Hi." I said quietly.
"Hi beautiful." His arms wrapped around me and they instantly warmed me up. "Come on, let's get you inside."
The black car suddenly drove off while we walked inside.
"Who dropped you off?"
"Oh, one of our security guys. Modest! wouldn't let me fly by myself but I told him to go stay at a hotel."
"Gotcha." We walked into the house. "Dad?!"
He came down the stairs. "Yeah sweetpea?"
"Dad, I want everyone to meet Harry."
"Okay." He called for everyone and we went into the living room.
"Okay guys this is Harry. Harry this is my dad, my stepmom and my three little sisters."
My two adopted sisters from Haiti seemed infatuated with Harry. They eventually got him to sit on the floor and let them braid his hair while my dad asked him questions.
It was the usual: How many siblings do you have? What do your parents do? What did you do in school? Thise type of questions.
"So, Harry, how is the music thing going?"
"It's really good! Still having a really good time with it."
"And how much time do you get free?"
"Well, in all honesty sir, that's a question for your daughter. She runs it all."
I chuckled as I leaned against my dad's shoulder, "Depends on his question Haz."
"Well Jen, you're twenty two. I assume this is going to be a thing for awhile."
"Absolutely sir." Harry chimed in. "I don't plan on letting your daughter go anytime soon. I like her too much."
I smiled at Harry, and then laughed when he made a face when one of my sisters pulled his hair really tight.
"So, Jen? Is Harry free to join us for dinner tonight?" My dad asked.
"Really?" I questioned.
He nodded, "You're happy, sweetpea. That's all we want for you. It doesn't bother us if that person is famous or not. I mean, now we'll have to watch those videos you have memorized from that show he was on, but if you're happy then we'll support you."
I nodded, "Yes, Harry is free for dinner."
"Wonderful." He kissed my forehead and got up to go talk to my step-mom. They've been married for fourteen years, so most of my life.
After the girls got done with Harry's hair and left to go do something else, he got up and sat beside me on the couch.
I touched his braids, "I like it."
"Thanks. I quite like them as well."
I chuckled, "Can we take a selfie to commemorate this?"
We took the picture and then he asked to take another. This time, right before I clicked it he turned and kissed my cheek.
I smiled looking at it. It definitely showed our relationship.
"I like that one." He said, putting his head on my shoulder.
"I do too." I set it as the background on my phone and sent it to him.
"Hey, so I was thinking." Harry started. "I want to talk to your dad about paying off your debt."
I automatically shook my head, "No. No way."
"Why not?"
"Because it isn't your problem to deal with Harry. It's mine. I'll get it all paid off, it'll just take time."
"Babe, you owe thousands."
"Yes, I know Harry, but working for Modest! is helping."
He sighed, "Please think about it."
"Why would you want to do that for me?" I asked quietly, playing with the rip in the knee of his jeans.
"I told you before you left LA. I love you, J. I'll do anything to show you that."
"But you don't have to pay off my debt to my dad to show me that."
"This is just something I want to do, babe."
I took a deep breath, "We can talk about it later, okay?"
He nodded. In reality I never want him to bring that up again. I won't let my boyfriend, famous or not, pay off any of my debts; ever. It's my problem. Not his.
"He what?!" Kat exclaimed after I told her what Harry said.
"Shhh!!" Harry and Niall were downstairs and I didn't want to have them to come up here.
"He wanted to pay your dad off for you? Does he know you at all?"
I shrugged, "I don't know, Kat. I'm starting to think this was all a big mistake."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Before I left LA he told me he loved me."
"That sounds awfully familiar, but it's sweet Jen."
"I know. But I didn't say it back."
Her jaw dropped, "You're kidding, right?"
I shook my head.
"Jen. But you do love him."
"Do I? Or do I love the idea of him."
Kat sighed and sat down beside me on the bed. Her arms wrapped around me, "Hey, now. I know that your ex, who shall remain nameless."
"Thank you."
"I know he messed you up. But you've been given a new chance with Harry. I don't want to watch you throw away real love."
"How do you know it's real?"
"Have you seen the way he looks at you? It's like Niall looking at a cheeseburger back in 2011."
I rolled my eyes, "That's the worst carrot joke ever."
"But it's true, Jen. He loves you! Let him love you."
I smiled, "I'll surely try, but no guarantees."
"Well then I guess thats all anyone can ask for. By the way, thanks for surprising me with Niall last weekend."
I chuckled, "It's not a problem. I felt it fitting since you sent Harry here to see me."
She shrugged, "You were sad and depressed, I had to do something."
"Okay, so one more thing before Harry and I head out. I'm going to need you to do some serious damage on Twitter."
She was finishing packing her bag to go to her parents for a few weeks. "What? Why?"
"Well, Harry has been here for over a week and people are questioning why he's here. We're going public."
Her eyes widened, "I thought you weren't ready for that."
"I don't really have a choice Kat. Modest! already got pissed that we've hid it this long."
"When did they find out?"
I sighed, "When my boyfriend decided not to go to the Modest! party because he didn't want to go alone."
"Well that's cute."
"Shut up. It's stupid. I wouldn't have gone anyway."
Kat laughed, "Jen, you're grumpy. Are you pmsing?"
I swatted her arm, "You're impossible. Will you please just keep an eye on it?"
"Yes. I will."
We headed downstairs.
"Okay. Niall, Kat. See ya later. We're going to dinner."
"Have fun." Kat said.
"Be safe." Niall added.
I took Harry's hand and walked out to the car.
"So?" He asked. "Where do you want to go?"
I shrugged, "It's up to you."
His hand reached over and enveloped mine. "Jen, if you don't want to do this then we don't have to."
I shook my head, "No. I want to. I need to. I don't want to hide this anymore."
His face lit up and I smiled.
"How did I manage to get such an amazing girl?" He whispered.
"Sheer luck, Curly."
I rolled over to see my mom standing beside my bed. "Jesus, mom. What?"
"Get up."
I'd spent the last three days lying in my old bed at my mom's condo. Harry and Niall went home and Kat was with her family. I didn't want to be at our apartment alone so I let my friends move back in early. Besides, after Christmas I'm off to Europe with the boys.
"You need to get up."
"Mom, I deserve this rest."
"Okay, well then you can explain to my boss that I'm unable to come into work today."
I sat up, "Why?"
"Because there are people outside my house!"
"Damn it." I sighed and got up. I put on some real clothes and went downstairs and straight out the front door.
"Jennifer can you tell us-"
"No, I can't tell you anything. This is a private street. I could report you all right now. Please leave so that my mother can go to work. This is ridiculous."
The fans and media left the street after my threat and as soon as I was back inside I called Harry.
"Hey babe. What's up?"
"Haz, they camped outside my mom's place last night."
"Damn it. I'm sorry love."
"I-its okay."
"No it's not."
"Maybe I should have stayed at the apartment."
"No babe. I don't want you to be alone. Stay with your mom. She misses you."
"I just want to be back on tour. I kinda of feel like I belong there."
"Babe, you belong everywhere. Some people just don't know the real you yet. But once they do they always love you."
I smiled, "I know. I'm sorry. This just sucks. Like, I don't want my family around this."
"I know how you feel. Are you still comfortable with your choice to go public?"
"Yes. Of course!"
"Okay. I just thought I would check."
"Yes, love?"
"I miss you."
"I miss you too baby."
"Three weeks."
"Yep, three weeks."
"Alright I'm gonna go back to bed."
"Alright. Bye baby."
"Bye Haz."
I sighed as I trudged back upstairs to my bed.
"So this is it?" Kat asked. We just finished dinner and I leave tomorrow for Christmas and then I'm off to London.
"Yeah." I sighed.
We hugged and stayed in the embrace for about a minute.
"Well I should probably get back to my parent's house. My family is all there and they want to hear all about Niall and me." She replied.
"Oh boy. That sounds like my family."
"Alright well I'll see you in a few weeks in London yeah?"
I nodded, "Yeah, now go before I get teary eyed."
"Bye bae."
Christmas morning, I dialed Kat's number.
"Hi bae!"
"Whatcha need?"
"Your opinion."
She chuckled, "At seven am on Christmas? This better be good."
"Trust me it is. What do I get Harry for Christmas?"
"You two never talked about gifts?"
I scoffed, "That's your first response? Katie! I've been up all night freaking out because I never got him anything! Like I didn't think of it until dinner last night when my dad asked what Harry got me for Christmas."
"Your dad asked that at family dinner?"
"Mmhmm, and I was mortified to say that he hadn't."
"Okay, so why don't you call him and ask him what he wants?"
"I did. He told me not to get him anything. My family literally thinks I'm crazy!"
"About what?"
"Jen, that's ridiculous. Okay, for Harry, get that little shit a damn haircut. And about your family, remind them that you're happy. They have to be happy for you."
I paused, "I hate that you always know what to say."
She laughed, "Some people like that about me."
I chuckled, "Okay, well thanks for at least answering the phone. Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas to you too Bae! I'll think of some ideas and send them."
We hung up and I went back to searching online for something, but nothing seemed right.
For the day after Christmas, we had all planned to group Skype.
Apparently I was the only one ready.
Harry: Liam and Niall aren't here quite yet.
Kat: I'm almost to Starbucks.
Liam: Niall just had to get another fucking coffee so we're running late.
Me: Maybe Niall should learn to survive without coffee.
Niall: Ew, no. We're almost there. Liam is exaggerating.
Louis: I've been waiting for an hour for these idiots. This better be good.
Me: It will be!
Kat: It will definitely be worth it!
Louis: I sure hope so.

Finally Kat called.
"Hey bae!"
"Hi! How's Starbucks?"
"Delicious. Aren't you jealous?"
"Hey, who is that back there?" She asked.
I looked behind me. "Oh! Hey, Kurt!"
"Hey, whatcha doin?" He asked.
"I'm skyping my best friend and then my boyfriend and all his friends. Do you want to come sit?"
"Sure." He shrugged. Kurt always stays at my aunt's house with me whenever I'm in town. I'm definitely closest to him. He sat down next to me and I faced the screen.
"This is my cousin, Kurt. Kurt, this is Kat."
They waved and said hello.
"Okay let's call the boys. I don't care if they're not ready." I said.
Kat laughed, "Go for it."
I added another call and clicked on Louis' name.
It rang a few times and then clicked on but noone was on the screen.
"Hello?" Kat called out.
"Hold on!" We heard Louis yelling.
Kurt chuckled beside me. "Is this normal?"
"Yes. Unfortunatley we never get much done on these calls."
Just then Harry's face popped up, "Hey girls. Oh! Jen who is that?"
"Harry, this is Kurt, Kurt this is my boyfriend Harry."
"Hey mate." Harry greeted him.
"Hello. Nice to meet you."
"You too!"
"I WANT TO MEET NEW PEOPLE!" Louis yelled as he sat down.
"Ahh!" Kat said loudly. "Don't do that! I'm wearing earphones. God Lou!"
"We're here!" We heard Niall say. He and Liam soon also appeared on the screen.
"Hi Kat. Hi Jen."
"Hey." We both replied.
"This is Kurt by the way guys." I said.
"I'm Liam."
"I'm Niall, and Kat's boyfriend."
"I'm Louis!"
Kurt said hello.
"Alright boys." Kat started. "We have thirteen dates."
"Yes, six in London, three in Dublin, two in Paris, one in Germany and one in Spain."
"Whoa." Liam said surprised.
"What?" I asked.
"How did you get six dates in London?"
"And?" Louis asked.
"And what?"
"Did they sell out?" Niall asked.
"Of course!" Kat exclaimed.
"Really?" Harry asked.
I groaned, "If any of you ask again if all six dates sold out I will personally strangle you. Now! Does any one have any other questions?"
"When are you getting here?" Harry asked.
"January 4th."
"Are you nervous?" Louis asked.
I shook my head, "No, I've been to the UK before."
"Yeah? When?"
"You were like ten. How does that count?"
"Shut up, Lou." Harry hit him.
Louis hit Harry back, "You shut up!"
"Both of you stop. You're acting like children." Kat snapped.
Kurt laughed, "You guys are funny."
"Ey! There we go! That's the spirit!" Louis cheered.
"What is your deal, Lou?"
Liam leaned forward, "Maddy went to her parents place for Christmas. Louis hasn't gotten laid in awhile."
"You know what, Payno. I will have you know that Maddy and I have not done the deed."
"What the fuck?" Niall laughed.
"Niall language!" Kat and I both yelled.
"Sorry, but seriously Lou?"
Louis nodded, "Yeah. I love her and she doesn't want to so we're waiting. So Liam your excuse is invalid."
"Wow. You're totally whipped." Harry added.
"Shut up, Styles. You're no better." Niall countered.
"Ha! Like you have any room to talk, Horan." Harry shot.
"Alright!" I announced. "Enough. I'm gonna go because Kurt and I are going into town. Goodbye you all. Mwah! Bye Kat."
"Bye!" Everyone cheered before I disconnected.
I let out a huge sigh and turned to Kurt "Yea, please don't let your mom know you heard any of that."
"Jen I think you forget that I'm a sophomore in high school."
"Oooh." I cringed. "You're right I do forget that. C'mon. Let's go."

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