Horans' Epilogue

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Kat's POV 

"Niall, we are never doing this again," I stated as I trudged down the hallway. My ankles haven't had a decent day in the past three and a half months. The first five were fine. Minus the morning sickness and all the touring around.

Niall scoffed lightly, "I know that. We're getting two in one anyways."

I shot him a smirk. During last month we finally decided we wanted to know what gender the twins were. Boys or Girls. We got both. A boy and a girl. We're equally happy about it cause I knew eventually, if this time hadn't been twins, I wanted to try again and have the opposite gender of the other. And I don't care who is older. A brother needs a sister and a sister needs a brother. I would know.

"I'm blaming your sperm on getting greedy with that one," I remarked.

"Pft," was his response as he walked to the kitchen, "It's always the guy's fault. Your egg is the one that decided to split up into two little human beings."

I shook my head, "It's both of our faults then."

Niall popped his head out from the kitchen, his eyebrow cocked in a funny way, "Why are we arguing about this in the first place?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, laughing.

Niall chuckled and went back into the kitchen. I made my way there, pretty much waddling the whole way. I'm eight and a half months in. I could literally have them any day now. And I can't wait for that. Well, maybe I can. I'm terrified to give birth. It's literally one the most painful things a woman will experience. Like I actually want to experience it. And when I'm twenty years old!

I went to sit down, but I felt a sudden pain in my lower half and ended up hunching over a bit instead.

"Are you okay, Kat?" Niall asked, walking over and rested a hand on my back.

I looked up at him with an uneasy look, "I.. I think it's time."

His skin went a bit pale. And his blue eyes went wide.

"Niall," I snapped lightly.

He blinked his eyes a couple times as he shook his head, "Sorry... you sure?"

"I'm su-" I puffed out some air as I felt the same pain hit me again. It's like pinching me but times a thousand.

Niall was literally gone for two seconds and now he held the overnight bag we had packed, "Let's go."

I gave him a weak smile. He helped me to the SUV and get in. I buckled up as he jogged to the driver side and got in. Niall is remarkably calm right now. And so am I, despite the contractions. Niall was zooming through the traffic as he tightened and untightened his grip on the steering wheel. That's how he's controlling his nerves. I heard him humming along to the song on the CD and a small smile crossed my lips. I reached to to turn the knob to the right and turn up 'Yours To Hold' by Skillet.

When the hospital came into my view, I was still slightly calm. It'll still be a few hours before I actually deliver. I hope. Some women are in the labor for almost twenty-four hours before giving birth-- I do not want that to be me, yet I do not want to be pushing these two out in the next hour.

Niall was showing his true colors when we made way into the hospital. He frantically ran over to the secretary's desk, "Okay, so uhm, my fiance just went into labor. And we need a room."

"Did you have a room reserved?" She asked.

Niall shrugged and the black woman shot him a look. Now, he started to bite his nails as she stared him down. Especially since he didn't have the answer. But I do.

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