Brown Town

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Brown Town

Third person POV

It was early morning in brown town and the first frost was evident on the long grass. The air was cold but the sky was clear. A deep horn echoed through the air bring a large family out of their camp and out to the shore. Another boat sat in the harbor and a small skiff with a man pattleding in on it.

He was an older man, with dark brown hair and a matching beard that had a few grey hairs in it. He smiled kindly at the family taking in all ten of them. A man and women both with gray hair standing close together hand in hand. They where the parents Billy and Ami brown.

The man stepped out of his skiff once on shore telling them his name Kenneth K. Skaflestad and he was the new mayor.

Billy Brown greeted him and introdust everyone. Ami his wife a short small women compared to billy and everyone else around her. Next their five sons forms oldest to youngest. Matt, Bam Bam, Bear, Gabe, Noah, Snowbird the oldest daughter and Rain the youngest.

"So do you come out here often." Billy asked laughing.

"It's been awhile. About four years ago when Ray moved out here and built her homestead a couple miles over." Ken said. "But I'm out here because I wanted to welcome you guys and see how you guys are doing out here."

"Someone else lives out here and is a her?" Matt asked openly with a grin. "Is she pretty?"

Bam bam slapped his older brother up side the head while his father gave him a stern look.

"Ray is pretty but she isn't open to new people. But she is every nice and hasn't caused any problems for anybody. She even helps cut fire wood in town for the town elders when ever she comes in to town." Mayor Ken said with a smile leaving out her scars being that it wasn't his story to tell.

"How old is she?" Matt asked wanting to know.

"We'll let see. She came out here when she was sixteen-seventeen maybe. So five year know. Twenty or twenty one give or take. I don't know her birthday." He said looking up at sky of a secant thinking.

"She's out here alone?" Ami asked.

"Yeah. She doesn't have any family that comes out here to see her. But she get mail from someone every week or so." He told them.

"Does she have a big black dog?" Rainy voice piped up from the back of the group.

"No. No dog. But she got a golden eagle that she saved after it fell from its nest. The bird goes everywhere with her. If you see it in town you know Ray not far." Mayor ken said laughing at the first time he meet the bird.

Rainy nodded before looking at the ground. She hadn't said anything about the big wolf she saw to her family being that she couldn't believe what she saw in the first place. It moved too fast and too big to be any old timber wolf.

It acted to much like a dog to be a wolf with no human contact. It was like it had protected her for the bear. It even stayed to check if she was alright it seem. It dark blue eyes and the three long scars ran over its left eye that she didn't even notice tell it was looking straight at her because it's fur was so thick.

Rainy had tried to go out an look for it but sadly since then someone had eyes on her the whole time making sure she didn't wounded off again. Her eyes slow searched the tree line around her as the group began talking and head back to camp. Searching for a pair of blue eyes or a flash of black or even a foot print. Anything to prove it wasn't just her imagination running wild.

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