Mail and Pizza

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I sat at the Misty Bay Lodge, with a whole pepperoni pizza to myself. I ate slowly savoring the tastes. I had already eaten half and was deciding to take the rest home or eat it now.

The front door opened in came a group of seven. I glance to my out of right to see Bam and Gabe was with them along with the girl from the woods.

She smiled and laughed at something her sister said. I sighed happy that she seemed fine after seeing a big giant wolf alone in the woods. A monster really.

I shook my head thinking again. Monster hurt people yet I have not. I couldn't seem to get past that thought though. I eat my pizza slowly as I listened around.

I could hear the girls in the corner whispering about the big group that had come it. Then sadly one of their eyes found me and the subject change. Mackenzie said that they are jealous of me, but for what reason she never tells me.

I watched as one of the boys made it over to their table asking to sit with them being that he already knows his family and want to get to know them. I let out a small smile. That's one way to do it.

Soon almost all the boys where sitting over there talking. I had gotten lost in thought that I didn't see someone come and sit across from me until they cough. My head snapped up to see the two sister sitting across from me.

The older one smile at me. Her brown hair was pulled back  and she wore a old pair of glasses.

"Hi. I hope it okay to sit here. We saw that you were alone and thought it be nice to get to meet another girl from around here. My names Snowbird and this is my little sister Rain." She said kindly.

Rain looked frozen stiff. I realized why. When I had moved my head up to look my hair moved from my face showing of my scars.

"I'm sor-" Snowbird started.

"Do they hurt?" Rain asked.

"Rain!" Snowbird stated.

"No they don't. I'm sorry if they startled you. I try to keep them cover so people won't feel uncomfortable. I'm Ray. It's nice to meet you two." I said quietly as I let my hair cover the side if my face.

"There no need to do that. We don't mind." Snowbird said.

"Can I touch them?" Rain asked.

I was surprised at the question and I'm head tilted side ways. I couldn't help but smile. She reminded me of my little sister.

"That's fine." I said.

"May I ask how you got them." Snowbird asked as rain moved to sit next to me.

"Bear. It was my first year living alone and off grid. It was about six mouths in when it just wonder in to my camp. I was lucky to just get the scratches." I said turning towards Rain.

I closed my eyes and let her touch them. She seemed to go on forever but was stopped by the voice of one of her many brothers.

"Rain what are you doing?" It was Noah and Bam bam stood behind him.

"This is Ray. She letting me touch her scars. She got then from a bear." Rain said smiling at her brother but made no move to go and sit by her sister again.

"Nice to see you again Bam. Another brother?" I asked quietly.

"Yep. This is Noah. Noah, Ray." Bam introduced.

"Nice to me you, Ray. So I hear you don't life to far from us. Who else do you live with out in the bush?" Noah asked.

"I live alone." I said as I toke a bite of my pizza.

He nodded.

"Why do you live alone?" Rainy asked leaning on the table.

"Because I wanted to." I said with a smile.

"Where did you live before?" She asked another.

"Cali. I live in a city actually. I like it much better here though." I told her.

Then my hearing picked up on what the girls were telling the other brother still sitting with them.

"I best be going. It was nice meeting you guys." I said standing up and grabbing my jacket and putting it on.

"Maybe we can hang out with each other some time?" Snowbird asked.

"Yeah maybe." I said nodding before gabbing the package exit to my feet and  heading to the door.

"Really she should of let that bear kill her. Just an orphan that no one wanted" one of the girls said as I put my hand on the door handle.

I turned my head to look at them and tilted my head up the get the hair out of my face before giving them the sweetest smile I could before pulling the door open and leaving.


Okay! Wow i didn't think many people would like this? And on top of that I got some really awesome and helpful comments!!! So thanks! I hoped you enjoy this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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