He's Somethin' Else

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Johnny is the funniest, most intelligent and scariest person I've ever met. He and Sid messed about all night, making the weirdest jokes that never failed to make me laugh, even the sexual ones I didn't understand. He was never afraid to speak his mind or stand up for what he thought, which is something I can't not admire. I kept catching him staring at me all the time, but I couldn't make out the look in his eyes. He didn't look at anyone else this way, and each time I noticed and turned to him he didn't even look away. I found myself doing the same. I eyed him up and down, noticing every little detail; the way he always has an arm crossed over his stomach, the way he narrows his eyes when someone says something he doesn't like, and most of all his amazing laugh. I could listen to that laugh all day and fall in love every time.
The other guys were surprisingly nice too. The guitarist Steve is very funny and actually quite shy, though he and Johnny were constantly having a go at each other over the littlest thing. Paul, the drummer is one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. He laughed politely at all my attempts at jokes and complemented my clothes and hair. They were all so completely different to how the media had portrayed them to me. I've never trusted the newspapers since. Once again Johnny payed for my drinks, but refused to pay for anyone elses. He treated me differently, and I didn't know if it was because he pitied me, or something else...
"Come back to the hotel with us," Paul suggested after we'd all had a few drinks. Sid nodded and Steve seemed up for it too. Johnny just acts like he hasn't heard.
"Name one interesting thing that might happen there," Ted says blankly, clearly not up for it.
"I could name a few things he'd like to happen," Steve looks at Johnny and Sid pisses himself laughing. Sid laughs at everything in the most childish way, but I love that about him. I don't get the "joke" but I can see Johnny blushing slightly so I'm guessing it's rude.
"I'd like to go back with you guys," I smile. Johnny looks up at me and stands up.
"Come on then."

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