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Ally's POV

"Okay first thing you are going to have to follow some rules.

Rule #1 do not try to escape,

Rule#2 if we ask you something you answer

Rule #3 do as we say,


4 simple rules can you handle that?" Louis asks.

"yeah" I respond quietly.

"Oh and if you break any of the rules there will be punishments." Harry threatens he actually scares me a lot.

I just nod and start petting Malibu. They are all staring at me and its starting to get creepy.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask but it doesn't come out much louder than a whisper.

"Well don't you have any questions?" Liam asks me.

"Where do I sleep, do u have clothes for me and do you have dog food?" I ask.

"Okay first you are sleeping in a bedroom upstairs second I have an app on my phone that has all the stores in the mall we are going to and you can check off everything you want or need including clothes, dog food and entertainment," Zayn says while handing me his phone.

He stands at the back of the couch watching me I go through all the stores and click on the bookstore first I click half of the books they have then hit back next I click the clothing stores and click everything I like.

Next, I click to the entertainment store and hit an mp3 player and headphones then I click the pet store and get Malibu a bunch of food, treats and toys and also a food and water dish.

Finally, I go to the makeup store I get every kind of EOS and a bunch of cute earrings. I hit back and pass the phone back to Zayn.

"Wow you like a lot of stuff that's over 1000 dollars worth of stuff! It's a good thing we have millions or you would make us banker up in a day." Zayn says.

I just keep silent and pull Malibu closer to me. I'm a shy person I just don't like to talk sometimes and I defiantly don't want to talk to my kidnappers.

"Okay well, Zayn and I will go get the stuff we will be back in an hour," Liam says to everyone before they leave.

They unlock the door then leave I hear the lock again. I look away from the door to see Louis, Harry and Niall looking at me they look kind of confused.

"What?" I ask.

"Why haven't you tried to run yet or open the door and go?" Louis asks me.

"Because I heard the lock on the door and it one of the rules and I really don't want to be punished." I had no idea what these men were capable of. 

"Oh" was all he said.

"You never told us your full name yet what is it?" Niall asks.

"Ally is all you need to know and can one of you show me my bedroom?" I ask just wanting to lay down and sleep the fear in my stomach away. I hate the feeling of fear but its something you cant help.

"Sure follow me," Niall says happily. I hate that I hate them being happy it just makes me sadder. I stand up and follow Niall.

He leads me up a set of stairs and we turn right at the top it's easy to find because he stops at the first door and opens it. I walk inside to see a huge master bed a big closet, a small bathroom, a dresser and a nightstand.

I jump on the bed and look in the direction of the door and see Niall still standing there.

"I'm gonna take a nap," I say quietly. I know he heard me because he closes the door, I hear a click. He just locked the door! Oh well, I guess I'm stuck in here for awhile.

I stick my face in my pillow and fall asleep.

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