chapter 5

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I was walking to the school. I looked at my watch: 5:15. I was 15 minutes early. I waited at the flagpole for at least 10 minutes... No one showed up, I was just about to give up when I heard something. "Mikala Jones I knew you just couldn't ignore my note." Someone said. My heart started beating faster each second as I looked around franctically. When I couldn't see anyone I turned around and screamed. "Sorry, if I scared you, but what I have to tell you is really important." The anonymous person said. "What is more important than scaring the living crap out of me?" I asked. "Well, it's not safe to tell you out here in the open. I will have to take you to our secret facility building." The anonymous person said. "What!?! The note said specifically the flagpole and I showed up like you told me to and now you're saying, 'it's not safe to tell you out in the open'? You are messed up in the head." I said. "Just follow me." He said. "First, tell me your name." I said. "My name is Bryan." He said. "Second, where are we going and where is it located?" I asked. "I told you the secret facility and I can't tell you where it's located. Sorry." Bryan said. "Just take me to it so I can know the 'Big' secret that you won't tell me. So I can go home." I said. "K, it won't take as long as it seems." Bryan said with a smirk. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You'll see Mikala. You'll see." Bryan said with a bigger smirk on his face. Suddenly I felt the floor vibrate then Bryan and I fell 6 feet. He was laughing like a maniac. I started screaming. As we plummeted he said, "Awwww. Is little Mikala scared?" "YES!!!!!! How was I supposed to know we were going to plummet 10 feet into the ground??" I said. "Don't worry you'll get used to it." Bryan said. "Used to it? I am never going to stand on the ground and  just let it dissolve to nothing so I can just plummet 10 feet in the ground again." I snapped back. "The ground didn't dissolve to nothing. It was a trap door." Bryan said. "Well either way I am never doing it again." I said. "But, Mikala your going to have to get used to it." Bryan said. "What are you talking about?" I asked. Ignoring my question Bryan said, "We're here." Great, I thought to myself. "Now about my question, what is the big secret?" I asked impatiently. "Ok, um you might want to sit down cause you might freak out when I tell you this." Bryan said. "Just tell me already." I said. "Fine, how should I put this your parents are government agency spies." Bryan said. I was in shock. My parents spies? That doesn't make any sense. "I don't believe you." I said. "Of course you don't," Bryan said. "Maybe this will convince you." Suddenly the wall moved to reveal my parents standing there. "Oh, honey we wanted to tell you but we had to wait til we moved to Los Angeles." Mom said. "Your mothers right. It just wasn't safe for us to tell you in West Virginia." Dad said. "Why couldn't you tell me in West Virginia? When did you guys start this government agency stuff? And how does this affect me?" I asked. "Ok, we couldn't tell you in West Virginia because when you turned fourteen, the bad guys were spying on us to find the right time to kidnap you to make us surrender all of our weapons so they could take over the world." Mom said. "We started the government agency around the time 9/11 had struck New York. When that happened we knew we had to stop the bad guys from destroying the Unites States. So, we started the government agency. Then, when they noticed we were interferring in their plans they have been trying to destroy us." Dad said. "And the reason why this affects you is that at anytime they could kidnap you and we want you to carry on the family business. Sweetie, it runs in our family. Would you be willing to carry on the tradition you could be a hero. Please?" Mom said. "This is too much to take in. Why would you keep this secret from me?" I asked. "We know it's a lot to take in, but will you be a spy in the family business? And we didn't tell you to protect you. They were watching our every move, we had no choice but to move and have a secret facility in Los Angeles so they wouldn't find you. We wanted to prepare you for this." Mom said. "I will on one condition you have to teach me everything. Moves, Basics, and how to use the weapons." I said. "Sure thing Sweetheart. It is going to take a while so after school look for Bryan cause he is going to be at your school to keep an eye on you just in case anything happens." Mom said. "Thanks mom and dad for looking out for me. I wish I would have known sooner so I could have been prepared a little better." I said. "So, you're ok with the fact that we are spies?" Mom said. "Yes, I'm ok with it." I said. "That's good to know we thought you'd say that you have nothing to do with us because we're spies." Dad said. "Rob! We didn't think that. Maybe you did but I had absolute faith in our daughter." Mom said. I yawned. "Can we go home? I am tired. I had a long day today." I said. "Of course we can go home sweetie." Mom said. I guess I passed out cause I didn't remember going home at all.

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