Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I looked at the time 7:05 a.m. Already? I thought to myself. I didn't think I slept that long. I got up and went straight to my closet. I chose a blouse, a pair of skinny jeans, and high heels. I walked downstairs to eat breakfast. There was a note on the fridge: Dear Mikala, Your dad and I left early. We got a text message from Bryan saying that early this morning he checked the video footage and saw one of the bad guys snopping around the house this morning. Luckily, Bryan set up a trap just in case he comes back. Bryan is taking you to school today. Be careful, and watch your back. Love, Mom & Dad I read the note 5 times before my watch went off. Time for breakfast I thought to myself. As I poured Cheerios in my bowl I got a text message: To: Mikala From: Bryan I am coming to pick you up. Are you ok? I don't know if you knew this or not but someone was looking for you this morning I think. It was one of the bad guys. If i were you I would search the house for a weapon to keep in your room just in case you wake up in the middle of the night ok? Did you hear anything weird last night? I looked at the text I hestitated before I replied back I was kinda spooked. Then, I replied back: To: Bryan, From: Mikala I'm fine, just a little spooked that's all. And my mom left me a note telling me about that person snooping around the house. No, I didn't hear anything weird or unusal last night. After I ate I was fixing my hair when I finally got a text message: To: Mikala From: Bryan I am just around the block. Are you ready yet? I replied back: To: Bryan, From: Mikala Ya, I am about done, I'll be down stairs in a sec. I went to my room to find some accessories when I heard a car honking. I went downstairs looked out the window and saw Bryan in his car. I opened the door and stepped out. "Are we ready go?" He asked. "Ya. Let's go." I said. As we were driving to school I thought to myself 'what do the bad guys want with me?'

Mikala JonesWhere stories live. Discover now