Chapter Seventeen

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I tried to hide my surprise as Lisa gave me a hug and we went inside. Timothy looked from me to Veronica nervously a few times before removing his arm from around her and coming over to greet me. "Hey, Elisabeth," he started. "I didn't know that you would be coming over..."

"Krista invited me," I said quickly.

I could tell that Timothy felt a little bad, and I decided to make him feel even worse. "I was going to have to spend Christmas all alone," I said. "I see you have people to spend it with already, of course," I said. I glanced over at Veronica, who was chatting with Lisa. Krista was looking at me out of the corner of her eye, confused, and Timothy had his mouth slightly open.

"Wow. Um... okay then," he said after a moment. "Listen, I have to go help with dinner, so, um..." he turned around and left, grabbing Veronica's hand and pulling her with him.

As soon as he was gone, Lisa turned to Krista and I. "Alright, girls," she said happily. She obviously hadn't heard me and Timothy talking. "You can go put your things up where you slept for Thanksgiving, okay? Good. Come down in a few minutes to help with dinner, Adam and his kids should be here soon, plus Stephanie is bringing Jane and her family..." Lisa trailed off, thinking to herself as she followed Timothy and Veronica into the kitchen.

"Come on," Krista said, not looking at me as she pulled me with her upstairs to the guest room. As soon as we were there, Krista shut the door behind us and turned to me. "What was that?!"

I turned away from her and set my bag on the bed I chose, unpacking. "What was what?" I asked innocently.

Krista came up behind me and turned me around. "What just happened down there? With you and Timothy? I get that you didn't have a fabulous time at school, but come on! Don't take it out on him!"

I looked at her.

Krista studied me for a minute. "There's something you're not telling me."


Krista plopped down on my bed, her tone softening. "Come on, you can tell me," she prodded gently.

I took one look at her and burst into tears. "I just... I just..."

"Come here, girlie," Krista told me, gesturing to a spot on the bed next to her. She waited a few minutes, then continued. "So, what's going on with you and Tim?"

"I just... so yeah, school wasn't great, but I guess even on TV it isn't too amazing. I kind of expected that, at least a little. But there's this girl..." Krista's eyes widened. "Yeah," I continued. "This girl is always saying hi to Timothy and he always, like has his arm around her, and it turns out that she's here!"

Krista looked at me, confused. "Who, you mean Veronica?"

"You know her too?!" I said angrily. "Why is everyone against me? I should have just stayed in my apartment where I belong."

"No, no, of course not! You know that we all love you, Elisabeth." Krista looked like she was trying not to laugh.

"Now there's something that you're not telling me."


"Tell me."

"It's just that, well, um, every single person here knows Veronica. Very well."

I looked at Krista, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Um, well, you heard how she's back from Italy, right? None of us really expected her to be back so soon, otherwise I'm sure someone would have told you about her."

"Just tell me who the heck she is!"

Krista turned away. I could tell she was laughing  a little. "Krista..." I said warningly.

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