Chapter Twenty-Four

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I woke up the next morning later than everyone else. "Elisabeth, are you doing okay?" Rose knocked on my door at about 6:30, sounding a little anxious.

"Yes, I'm fine," I answered groggily, pulling myself out of bed. It's not even seven! I walked over to the door as quickly as I could and opened it wide.

"Were you asleep?" Rose asked, sounding surprised. She shifted her hair into place on her head as if it was detached from her. Wait, what? I shook the sleep out of my mind and when I looked at her again, Rose looked normal.

"What? I... yeah, I was just about to get up, so..."

"But it's almost seven!"

This two-hour time difference definitely isn't doing me any good. It had taken until almost two in the morning for me to finally get to sleep. "Sorry, I just... does everyone always get up this early?" I asked, a little taken aback by Nolan and Ross talking animatedly in the hallway, wide awake.

"Of course!" Rose said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise, you know! Haven't you ever heard that saying?"

I just shrugged and tried to focus on what Rose was saying. "Listen, Elisabeth, why don't you get dressed and grab some breakfast?" Rose suggested, apparently just then noticing my obvious sleepiness.  "Then, if you don't mind, I would really love it if you could run over to the neighbors' house a few streets down. Their nephew just moved in with them and I have some of Nolan's old clothes that I'm going to give to them."

I nodded. "Sure thing."

Rose smiled. "Thanks so much, dear," she said genuinely before turning to the door.

She didn't close it behind her, so I went over, still half-asleep, and closed it before opening my closet and hunting for something to wear. I need some new clothes... From what I had seen just looking out the window today and yesterday, I was dressed way different than the people around here. Not to mention I don't have many clothes at all. Sure, I had been the one to pack and unpack my clothes, but I hadn't realized how few shirts and pants and skirts and dresses and shoes and socks I actually had.

I'll have to thank Veronica for letting me wear her clothes for these past few months...

I brushed out my hair, feeling like I had taken too long, and went right downstairs. "Morning, Elisabeth," James greeted me. "You're going over to the Ford's place?"

It took me a minute to remember that I had agreed to go over to some house down the street. "Are they the family with the nephew?" I asked as I opened the cupboard unsurely, looking for some cereal.

"Yeah, they're the folks. Melanie and Andrew's nephew Josh just moved in with them." Josh Ford, Josh Ford... I recognized that name from somewhere. "He'll be new at the high school next year just like you! I've heard he's very nice," James continued. "Anyways, I was wondering if you would be able to go to my brother Craig's house, too. I borrowed his screwdriver yesterday morning, and he called me this morning saying he needs it back. You don't mind, do you?"

"Um, well, I don't know where anyone lives..." I said, feeling really out of place. "And where's your cereal?" I asked as politely as I could.

"The cereal's in the pantry over there," James said, gesturing to a door I hadn't noticed, "and it shouldn't be hard to find where he or the Fords live, don't worry. This town is only so big. It will give you a chance to get more familiar with places around here." He looked at my unsure face. "I can send Jane with you, if you want."

"No, no, I'm good. You're right," I said hurriedly. I can't talk to Jane all alone again. I hated myself for thinking it, but I still couldn't help feeling like it was all her fault that I was here, in the middle of nowhere with people who I really didn't want to be with. And spending time alone with her didn't exactly sound appealing. When's she going home, anyways? Her and Ross and Ella can't just live here full time, can they?

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