Chapter 18 (sneak peek)

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“I’m score” ~ Evgeni Malkin’s greatest quote. A/n: So WE’RE CHASING LORD STANLEYS CUP!!! Here’s my gift to all of the loyal hockey watching pens fans. Because it’s the cup.

Jordan’s P.O.V

            Why isn’t she coming back up, what if I killed her?! I can’t go to jail for murder I have more Hockey to play! And I love her… I wonder how many years I’ll get for letting my girlfriend drown. Maybe I should be saving her right now. . .

Fleury’s P.O.V

            I watch as Jordan dives into the water after Ariel. That honestly looked like a really intense internal debate. I wait at the edge of the pool and drag Ariel out of the pool, Jordan jumping out of the water behind her.

“Merde Jordan! Est-qu’elle respire?” I ask him before I realize I’m speaking French. Then she starts coughing and sputtering. Jordan helps her sit up and she stops coughing.

“Jordan, you are an idiot” she yells punching him in the arm. Knowing she’s alright, I start my trek back to the kitchen on a quest for food.

Ariel’s P.O.V

            Not even two seconds after I punch him does he have me in a bear hug.

“I’m still mad at you, and near death made me realize I haven’t taken full advantage of your team’s slavery”

“The first thing you thought about was my team’s slavery. What about me? What about us?” He snarls at me.

“Well gee I for one think about all the missed opportunities when I almost die. So obviously you were first on the list” I yell back. Storming out of the room, I don’t make it ten feet before his arms are wrapped around my waist and he’s carrying me to god knows where. After walking a little while longer he stops and jumps in a room swiftly slamming the door behind him. I’m set on my feet and he spins to face me.

“Jordan” I pause for a second glancing around “Why are we in a closet”.

“I saw Tanya coming and kind of, might have, definitely panicked” He muttered sheepishly scratching his neck.

“Why would you be running from Tanya she’s the nicest woman in the world”

“Well I kinda taught Parker a swear word last time I was there”

            “I would be mad at you too. Stupid hockey player.” I mutter. I then make a move to whack him upside the head, but he grabs my hand and holds it, pulling me close.

“I’m still mad at you” I mutter scowling at his chest.

“I’m sorry I worried about you, actually I’m not sorry” He trails and I don’t have time to respond before he kisses me. Then the closet door flies open.

“WHOA JORDAN AND SOME CHICK GETTING IT ON IN THE CLOSET” I hear an obnoxious male voice yell.

“Dude why is she sopping wet, who even is that” I hear another voice question.

            I thank my lucky stars my back is facing the door. Jordan glances over my shoulder, growls then proceeds to kiss me. I hear the closet door shut behind my back.

“Uh, Jordan who was that” I ask.

“No one important, just Myers and my idiot brother Marc”

“I had the feeling they’d get along” He mutters. Grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the closet.

“Oh shit, that certainly isn’t some chick. What are you doing when you ditch this loser” Foligno asks throwing his arm around my shoulders.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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