Chapter 17

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A/n Sorry I disappeared for so long I’ve been busy with life, and all that good stuff. Also sorry it’s so short! I’m working on it!! J Horse shows horse shows and more horses. HOCKEY IS BACK!! WHOOOO!!!!

Ariel’s P.O.V

     **the next morning in the main house** (beginning of training camp or as fondly remembered by the Hockey players “Hell”)

“I BELIEVE I CAN FLYYYYY” I sing at the top of my lungs while hopping around the kitchen.

“How much coffee has she had” Serina questions looking at me with wide eyes.

“It wasn’t coffee” Jordan mutters.


“Are you suicidal” Katie questions.

“I didn’t know she’d react like this she said that she would be fine” he mutters trailing off.

“Of course she said that it’s 4:30 in the morning” Derek exclaims.

“What the hell is all the racket” Seguin wobbles in looking half asleep.

“SUPER MAN” I yell tackling him to the floor.

“Ariel get off the nice Hockey Player” Katie attempts to persuade.

“HE’S NOT A HOCKEY PLAYER HE’S SUPER MAN. OOH PANCAKES” I yell jumping off Seguin and latching onto Derek’s arm.

“I’ll give them to you only if you promise to calm down” Derek says holding the fluffy wonderfulness captive above his fat head.

“But, pancakes hyper ugh fine” I say sobering up and sitting down at the table. Derek places the pancakes in front of me and I quickly dig in.

“See sedation is easy” Derek proclaims.

“Derek please tell me there wasn’t syrup on those” Serina asks.

“Shit” Derek mutters.

     Mmm pancakes, yummy fluffy wonderful pancakey goodness. Wait, is that a hand reaching for my food. Okay I’m going to bite them.

“Ow! What the hell she just bit me” Seguin whines.

“Oh no! Superman I’m so sorry” I say hugging him.

“Just don’t touch my food and it won’t happen again” I say smirking at him.

“What if I want it to happen again” He retorts matching my smirk.

“Haha, funny Seguin but get your own girl” Jordan says from somewhere behind me. I turn around to look at him.

“Is that Kiwi” I ask my eyes growing wide. I love Kiwi it’s the most fantasmical fruit ever.

“Yes, it is” He replies.

“Can I have some” I ask giving him the puppy dog face.

“You can if you stop making that face” He replies.

“YAY KIWI” I shout.

“Oh shit there’s like 100 hockey players in this house right now”

“GRAB THE KIWI AND RUN FOR YOUR LIVESSSSS” Derek yells headed out of the kitchen.

     I grab the kiwi and begin chasing after him. We run all the way to the pool room. I sit in the deck chair and happily munch on my kiwi offering him some.

Jordan’s P.O.V

“GRAB THE KIWI AND RUN FOR YOUR LIVESSSSS” Derek yells running out of the kitchen. Ariel grabs the kiwi and quickly follows him.

“Well damn she took all the kiwi” I mutter in disappointment.

“Hey Jordan, why was Ariel chasing Derek to the pool room with a bowl of kiwi” Gerbe questions. While Marc walks in behind him.

“The pool room hmm. Come with me boys” I say beginning the trek to the pool room. I will get my kiwi back.

Ariel’s P.O.V

     I’m munching on my kiwi when suddenly I’m yanked out of my chair from behind and held in the air.

“Derek help” I say weakly looking left and seeing that Gerbe has Derek’s arms and Fleury has his legs.

“You planned this didn’t you” I mutter knowing my captor is Jordan.

“You took all the Kiwi” He retorts and next thing I know I’m airborne. Well my life was nice, I think flying through the air. *smack* and I’m underwater. I try to swim to the surface when I realize my pants are caught on the filter at the bottom of the pool. Well fuck I might actually drown. Yeah right, they won’t let me drown. Oh shit, then my vision goes fuzzy and fades to black.

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