Chapter 12

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Ariel’s P.O.V

          “Justin Bieber is in reported to be in the Pittsburgh area. We have reports of him being seen in local malls and restaurants. In other news Jordan Staal’s suspected girlfriend was seen at the mall.We suspect that his girlfriend is Ariel Williams but no sources have confirmed that. Where have the penguins been hiding all summer, more after this commercial break” The news casters voice broadcasted out of the living room T.V.I hate you early show. I groaned.

“You okay” Leysa asks strolling in with Derek behind her.

“I hate the press”

“Don’t we all” Derek mutters.

“You don’t have it half as bad as super stars do. Look at it that way” Leysa mutters. Then Justin walks through the door.

“Someone say superstar” He asks waltzing in and flopping on the couch across from us.

“I told you we weren’t kidding when we said he had super hearing Ryan says walking in after him.

“You all have super hearing haha” says Jordan walking in then noticing there is no extra seats. He picks me up and sits in my seat setting me in his lap.

“So Ariel I think we’ve prolonged our stay long enough” Justin starts.

“Which translates to superstar over here has a tour to go on” Ryan says.

“Yeah so my manager booked us an eleven am flight. Someone will eventually pick up the range rover he says throwing me the keys” Justin finishes. Then Christian walks in.

“Who wants to drive our lovely faces to the airport” Christian questions. Jordan and I volunteer and Sid and Izzy offer to drive her truck to take the luggage. I go grab my keys off the hook and throw Jordan his. I decide to take the Porsche because it has gas. Justin and Ryan end up riding with me.

“Race you guys to the airport” I yell as I gas it past Jordan, Chaz and Christian. I won as usual we checked all their bags. Then Izzy and I hugged all the guys before they got on the plane telling them to not do anything we wouldn’t do and they were welcome anytime. As they disappeared through the crowds I screamed.

“DON’T BE STRANGERS” I saw them laugh and continue laughing the now silent airport staring at me.

“Got a problem” Izzy yells. They all go back to their business and we head out to our cars.

“You guys wanna go out to eat” I ask as we walk out of the Airport.

“Yeah let’s go to the Pines” Sid suggests.

“Okay meet there in like 15” I ask.

“Yep last one there pays” Sid yells sprinting towards Izzy’s truck I throw Izzy my keys.

“Take care of my baby” I scream.

“I will” she yells back and I sprint after Jordan. He makes sure I’m in the car before he peels out. We get to the Pines and I see my car. Man Izzy drives fast. We walk in and make a b-line for Izzy’s table. 

“I guess Sid’s paying” Izzy says smirking. A minute later he walks in. Sees our table and stops dead his face all surprised.

“H-H-How did you beat me” he asks.

“Because you’re not the only one that knows this city like the back of your hand” Jordan replies smirking. Sid sits down next to Izzy. We eat then walk out before Sid can. He pays but grudgingly so. I hop in the Aston next to Jordan.

“You excited for our date tonight” He asks starting the car and backing out of the parking lot.

“What do you think” I say smiling at him.

“The smile says it all” He replies.

“Listen, I’m going to drop you off there is some things I have to take care of at my house. Okay” He asks.

“Yeah its fine what time are you ‘picking me up’ for our date” I ask.

“How does five sound” He asks.

“Great” I say kissing his cheek, hopping out of the car and sprinting up the mansion stairs. I walk in the doors change into jeans and a t-shirt and walk down to the barn.

“Hi Howdy” I say walking up to my beautiful quarter horse. I decide to take him for a trail ride. I’ve had him for so long that I trust him more than anyone. I clip a lead to his halter like reins and ride out of the barn. We weave through the forest keeping it slow. Then we hit an open field and I asked him to run. It’s the best feeling in the world this is the only place I’ve ever felt at home.

          On the way home we only walk. When we get back I rub him down and put him in his stall giving him an apple and turning down the radio before I leave. I stroll up to the mansion slowly thinking about what to do with my hair. I walk up the steps and as soon as I get through the doors I’m suspended in the air.

“Okay take her upstairs or maybe throw her in the shower” I hear Leysa command. I look at my captor to see its Derek and Serina and Leysa are on both sides of him.

“So I’m guessing you guys are helping me get ready” I questioned.

“Yeah Alex, Flowers and Sid are skating and Derek is going to join them as soon as he puts you upstairs” Leysa replies.

“And Mikayla and Izzy are swimming” Serina adds.

“All righty” Derek says throwing me on my bed and running out of the room.

“Shower now. You smell like horse” Serina commands pushing me towards the bathroom.

“Make it quick too” Leysa adds. Knowing how long I like to shower for. I’m in and out in 15 minutes. I walk out in my bathrobe Leysa immediately pushing me into a chair. They blow dry my hair then Serina grabs a straightener. I can feel Leysa applying light make up. After what was probably an hour they finally make me put my dress on not letting me see my reflection.

“Okay you can look now” Leysa says after strapping some stilettos to my feet. I turn to look in the mirror and the image looking back cannot possibly be me. The image in the mirror has Golden blonde hair that falls almost to her waist in a water fall and bright blue eyes made smoky with eye shadow. All in all I look amazing. I turn to Leysa and Serina.

“I love you guys! I look amazing” I say hug tackling them.

“We love you too haha” they say hugging back.

“Okay let’s get you down stairs he’s already here” Leysa tells me after checking her phone.

“Yeah we better move fast before Derek goes all protective older brother on Jordan” Serina reminds.

“Don’t want that to happen” I say and start heading down stairs.

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