Letters Received Part 1

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Meanwhile in the ANBU ROOT, Evelyeen was making himself comfy at the desk of lord Danzo. The sharp click of a lock being displaced first alerted him of Danzo’s appearance. Danzo stepped into the dark room, reaching toward the light.

“So, is there a reason her letters are in your office?”

Danzo quickly turned the light on, staring at the familiar figure. “How did you get in my office?”

“Well that wasn’t the greeting I expected… If you really need to know, I came through the window.”

“Then you can leave that way as well.”

“Ooh, not calling the guards? You must be getting soft.”

“You have ten seconds.”

“Threatening? When I have urgent news dire to Konoha’s future? You should at least listen to what I have to say.”

“You have three minutes. What is it?”

“There are forces beginning to move beneath Konoha’s nose, that prison break, that child. It all lead to this, but that’s not what I came here about. I’ve heard some whispers, some hints at a rumour that a small country is breaking down. Rebellions, anarchy, talk of demons, an overlord rising. It’s hard to piece but I thought someone should know. And who better to speak with than you.”

“You’re a criminal. How did you know I wouldn’t call the guard?”

“Because even you can’t avoid these ties forever. We may not be close, but you know as well as I that our father is the same.”

Danzo scoffed, “Family matters aside, I should arrest you.”

“But you won’t, well more like you can’t, I was always more adept at fighting no matter the circumstances.”

“A lot has changed, you may be four decades my junior but that just means I wield the most experience.”

“I keep forgetting how old you are compared to me…”

“What did you expect, your mother was half my age when she had you?”

Evelyeen sighed, “I suppose. Well, I’ve dawdled here long enough. Remember to return those letters, she isn’t happy that no one’s returned any.”

With that Evelyeen used the teleportation jutsu to land just outside the village gate, where he calmly walked back to the group leaving Danzo alone staring at the mountains of letters.

The next day Tsunade had returned from her lunch break only to have two anbu appear in front of her. She recognized them, immediately as the ones she sent to keep an eye on Danzo.

 “Report. How is the surveillance on Danzo?” Tsunade asked.

“Danzo’s actions remain neutral, though…”


“There seem to be large bags with names printed on them. We’re unsure as to the contents miss.”

“Search them and bring a sample of whatever’s inside to me at once. Dismissed.” She slumped into her chair once more, it was early evening and  yet her work wasn’t over yet. She had to wait for the anbu to return with whatever Danzo was hiding.

She didn’t have to wait long as the anbu returned with 9 envelopes, each stamped and dated, each with rough handwriting scrawled across the top. The anbu left them on the desk before returning to the lengthening shadows.

Tsunade picked one up, squinting at the writing before tearing the envelope opening. The writing inside was poor but if she took the time she may be able to read its contents. She skipped to the end, where a single name stood out. Akira.

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