Nothing Exciting Here.. Just Gai, Being Gai

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Sai’s POV

I was packing my things when he arrived, I had been lost in thought but as the blade swept towards me instinct took over. I drew my own blade and blocked his.

“Nice move,” He said, his face hidden behind the anbu mask. “Never let your guard down, got it?”

I nodded silently, there would be only one reason that he would appear here. “What do you want?”

He withdrew an envelope from his cloak. More orders, I thought taking the envelope and skimming the contents.

“The top-secret mission assigned to you by Danzo is-“He flicked a kunai towards the window, our senses alert. “Just a cat? Anyway, Danzo’s vision for the village’s future rests upon this secret mission. Failure will not be tolerated.”

“I know. Has Aki- Code 666’s body been recovered?”

“That’s confidential. You were the one previously assigned to that case, correct?”

“Yes sir. I wish to know if the plan was a success. Did you see the body?”

“Yes, it at first appeared to be a young male, upon analysis of the body it was deemed female. It carries many characteristics similar to that child from years ago. So, it was your planning that led to that?”

“Yes sir.”

“Hm, Danzo wasn’t very happy with those letters. Are you sure you killed her? It seemed like you two were rather close.”

“A ruse, nothing more. She scanned my letters, and so I took a few precautions.” I bowed. “I’m sorry for any problems it caused the mission. But I had no intention of letting her live.”

“Good, I’ll report this to Danzo, he’ll be pleased.”

“I’ve already informed him.”

“Is that how he knew where to send us for the body?”

“No sir. I myself had no idea when or where the poison would take effect.”

“A shinobi should always know how his materials work.” He warned.

“I am aware, but there was little time to test it out.”

He nodded understandingly, “Very well.” He glanced at the table noticing a small book, hand drawn by myself. “You’re still carrying that thing around?”

“This is…”

“In ROOT you have no name. You have no emotions.”

“You have no past. You have no future. There is only the mission.” I recited the mantra memorized upon the first day.

“That is the purpose of ROOT. We exist underground, unseen, supporting the great tree we call Konoha. Don’t ever forget that.” He disappeared using the teleportation jutsu.

I picked up the book, it could be considered my most important treasure. Like Akira and her bombs. I slipped it into my bag. I should leave it behind, but I can’t.

Kakashi’s POV

Lady Tsunade and the temporary leader of my team had just left the hospital, Yamato had been my junior in the Anbu corps, but I hadn’t seen him in quite some time. We filled him in on Naruto’s demon fox cloak form. It was when the chakra of the nine tails gets out of control and forms a protective layer over his body, but even then it is also harming him. Jiraiya proved that it was getting steadily worse. He showed us the scar that should have killed him. It was becoming more frequent and so Jiraiya had tried to teach him how to control it but he lost it at the fourth tail, and Jiraiya ended up with the scar.

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