Jounin Exams Part 2, Akira's Terror

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Akira’s POV

Kaito hid behind me for the duration of the test, before three of us moved on. I got Kaito out through one of the side doors, exchanging information with him to find him later.

“So I just need to wait near training ground 66?”

“Yep. Around the base should be fine, I wouldn’t bother climbing it.”

“I can climb it.”

“Sure you can.” I dismissed. “Now go before anyone notices.”

“Wait, what’re you gonna do with his stuff?” He asked pointing at Ibiki’s coat.

“Wear it.”

“You’re gonna die.”

“Maybe.” I said closing the door, I heard him yell rude before his footsteps shuffled off.

I donned Ibiki’s jacket and walked towards him. His back towards me, I jingled his keys.

“Looking for something?”

He turned around, glaring down at me. “Return them.”

“You haven’t changed at all. Still ordering people around expecting them to obey your stupid rules.”

“You resemble someone I know. Have we met?”

“A few times, about three years ago.” I slide past him to the door leading to the next hallway.

“Three years ago…” He slipped his keys out of my hand as I passed. “What’s your name?”

I dissolved the transformation jutsu, tossing him his coat and momentarily blinding him. “Guess.” I laughed leaving him behind.

“Hey! Wait!”

Ibiki’s POV

That was… but it couldn’t be. She was confirmed dead by the hokage herself.

And now she’s in the jounin exams? I have to inform the Hokage. I threw my jacket on, and rushed towards the second test. She’ll be in the viewing booth, maybe I can speak with her before a crowd gathers.

Akira’s POV

Further down the hall I reestablished my transformation jutsu, quickly catching up to two others who had passed in my group. I guess it was a bit more difficult to pass that test after all. Our hall converged with a few others along the way and our small group made its way to the double doors. The five of us stood before the door wondering if we should go in. We waited a few moments to see if any others would join us but when none did, I stepped forward and opened one door while another candidate opened the other. The room was brightly lit unlike the hallway, and a single jounin stood between two doors.

“Congratulations candidates. You’ve made it to the second stage.” He greeted kindly. “At each of the remaining stages you will get to choose whether to continue on or forfeit and leave the exam. I will explain the test first and then you will have a few moments to decide what you’d like to do. Understood?”

We nodded, glancing briefly at the doors.

“Alright, this exam is to test your ability to retrieve information from an enemy carrier. Your mission is to obtain the scroll from the jounin proctor. You can team up or do this individually but you will all be in the room fighting for this one scroll. Your skills are being assessed as well as your ability to function as a group.”

“Hold on, you said we could do this individually.”

“Yes I did, it all depends on you as an individual. If you do this alone, your individual skills will be assessed, if you do this as a group both skill sets will be assessed. Understand?”

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