Training the New Team

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Hanabi’s POV

We sat on training ground 66, my legs dangled over the edge as we waited for our sensei to show. Jiodo and Kaito had collapsed once they reached the top, they still weren’t used to using their chakra although in the past few training sessions Akira had tried to teach them. They could almost scale the entire wall now… though I had to save them and put them back where they were a few times.

Our training sessions so far had included: chakra training, equipment training, and a bit of physical training because I had asked how to beat an opponent bigger than myself. Fighting academy students who were all about my height was easier than fighting with cousin Neji or father so I asked for a few hints and it ended in a training session that lasted a few hours.

I yawned for the fourth time that night, stretching my arms above my head. “Do you guys think the trial went okay?”

Kaito rolled over onto his stomach, “Don’t worry, Akira-sensei will always pull through no matter what.”

Jiodo nodded, moving closer to the center of the training ground. “The last time we saw her she said she had a plan. She’s probably fine.”

“Then why is she so late?” I asked, standing to begin some stretches.

Kaito came up beside me, mimicking the stretches my father had taught me. “Dunno. Maybe she got tied up with something.”


“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” Akira said jumping the last bit of the climb and resting in front of us.

“Why are you late?” Jiodo asked as he completed his very simple stretching routine.

“Ah well I uh…” She looked away, rubbing the back of her head. “Got lost on the path of life?”

We all glanced at each other. “Akira-sensei,” I said. “your lies are normally better than this.”

She winced a bit before asking. “So has everyone stretched?”

“Yep.” We said.

“Alright, now before we begin I have some questions that need to be answered. Mainly because I only recently thought of them. But they are important.” She eyed us over taking our silence as agreement. “First, is it getting easier to climb?”

I nodded, seeing as I had no issue with it from the beginning. Kaito shrugged saying he had more or less got the hang of it, only losing grip once or twice. Jiodo nodded, but he said that it exhausts him even before he reaches the top.

Akira-sensei nodded. “So for Jiodo we’ll need to work on chakra endurance. For Kaito it’s control. Hanabi, are you sure you’re not having trouble with anything related to this?”

“Positive. My father began teaching me at a young age remember.”

“Right, I had nearly forgotten. Okay. Next question is: Do any of you know your chakra nature?”

We all shook our heads. Akira pouted, staring at Kaito in particular. “I thought your mom told you yours Kaito.”

“She did?”

“No. Never mind. My mistake.” She sighed taking a few slips of paper from her side pouch. “Do any of you know what these are?”

“Pieces of paper.” Kaito said confidently.

“...Yes, technically. But these are special. If you pour a bit of chakra into them, they’ll show you your chakra nature.”

I think I’ve heard of these but my clan never bothers to learn this because we don’t normally use jutsus aside from the byakugan abilities. I reached forward with the others and we all got a piece.

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