//Pt. 1//

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I dedicate this chapter to my best friend Julia (a.k.a. squidward__bitch) for supporting this story idea from the beginning and for being a smutty sinner. Xx



Playlist for the chapter:

Am I pretty // The Maine

Always Where I Need To Be // the Kooks

Gypsy // Fleetwood Mac

Just Keep Walking // INXS

Short Skirt / Long Jacket // Cake


-Velvet's P.O.V.-

The well-known sound of shoes clapping against the floor of the corridor filled my ears as I walked out from the classroom with gray stained hands. I kept my sketchpad under my arm which kept my latest outline of a classmate; that had caught my attention when she was drawing her fingers through her hair. They were so oblivious to their beauty and the elegance they could create from a simple movement. But I wasn't oblivious to my ability of recreate that exact moment on a white piece of paper with only a pencil to my benefit.

It had been the last lesson for today and I felt eager to go home and grab something to eat. Therefore, I walked over to my locker and bent down to unlock it, making some boys whistle. Boys, a way to waste your time on something that would never work out because they will simply never be those in the books you have read and the movies you have seen.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out of school. Once I was out I walked over to where I had my bike parked. I caressed the white construction and remembered beautiful days with my father before he had gone off with the army to Iraq. The vintage bike was a gift from him and I used it at all times. I looked over at the basket and put my bag there before I sat down on the ground and unlocked the bike from the bike racks.

Before I went off I plugged my headphones in and browsed through my playlist in an attempt to find something that suited my mood. Soon enough I found Gypsy by Fleetwood Mac. I smiled to myself as I rode off in the cool spring weather.


About halfway to my house my favorite song Am I Pretty? by The Maine started to play and I sang along to the lyrics while I stood up on the pedals; which made my skirt flap around me. I felt alive. Some elder people I was passing by started to smile when I came rushing down the road. I showed off all my teeth in a big smile towards them.

I decided to slow down my pace a bit after riding downhill, as I saw a car driving towards me. I had inherited my dad's interest of cars and this was one of my personal favorites; a white 1966 Mercedes-Benz 230SL convertible, a very beautiful but very expensive car. I suddenly was very interested of who was driving

As the car drove closer I saw the outline of a man with curly hair and I desperately wanted to take a closer look. Then suddenly, just as the car was close enough for me to observe him, a gush of wind. And of course my skirt flew up and without a doubt showed off my underwear. I let out a small scream and pushed it down before glancing towards the car of my dreams catching the man smirking at me and then licking his lips.

"Pervert" I muttered under my breath and felt my cheeks grow hot as I looked right into his emerald green eyes for a blink of an eye. And during that short amount of time my mind got filled with pictures of him straddling me in the backseat of the car while making out. Just the thought made my body ache.

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