Chapter 34..

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Sams P.O.V

We wake up and decide to go to the beach since we are leaving in 2 days. I get in my bathing suit when I turn around Christian is staring at me smirking 


"oh nothing I just loved the show" 

I walk up to him and whisper in his ear 

"youll be able to see the grand finale later" I smirk and back away 

I go in to kiss him but I just lick his bottom lip "ugh why do you have to be so fucking hot babe" I laugh and wink at him.

 We get to the beach about 15 mintues later. We both buy surfboards (SURBOARD SURFBOARD-beyonce) and we attempt to surf. After like 1000 trys we kinda have the hang of it. There is a HUGE wave heading straight for us Christian looks at me 

"lets get this shit babe" 

I laugh and start to paddle we both get on and I wipeout my body being yanked and pulled in a million different directions. I cant breathe I am now tumbling through the water my body finally stops spinning and I am able to swim up to the surface I gasp for and air and look for Christian I am screaming his name the from the corner of my eye I see something read floating towards me I look at it...its....its blood I am now freaking out is Christian bleeding and if he is what happened I look for him when I see a limp body surround in a puddle of blood its him I swim over to him and carry him to shore hes concious when the life gaurd and some guys on the beach help me get him on the sand we all notice something that I didnt noticed when I grabbed him in the water...his leg was completely gone it looked bit off....he was bit by a shark I'm am terrifed and crying my eyes out I turn while I thrown up this is too much blood I'm gonna faint just like last time. 

I turn around and grab his hand his eyes are open someone already called 9-1-1 when they get there they try asking me questions but I can only understand a little bit of what I'm saying because of my loud sobs. 

I get in the ambulance and ride to the hospital he loses consiousness in the ambulance. When we arrive at the hospital they rush him into surgery and I call Sarah 

"S-Sarah Christian... Some-something happened a-at the beach and we are at the h-hosptial" 

she says "okay I will be there as soon as possible" she says in a panicking voice. 

She gets here and hugs me 

"what happened" 

I try to explain the best I could but I started crying harder Brent just pulled me into a hug. 2 Hours later a docter came out 

"Hes awake his condition was critical but surgery went well he um wants to see Sam" I nod and walk to his room 

"Sam.." a tear rolls down my face as I smile at the fact that he is still alive 

"yeah I'm here" I say as I walk to his bed and sit down 

" I love you no matter what happens" Christian says I feel another tear slide down my cheek 

"I love you too ba-" I was cut off by beeping as in the flat line beeping as in the patients heart isnt beating. 

I scream "SOMEBODY HELP" I then hear a bunch of people saying 

"CODE BLUE CODE BLUE" then a bunch of docters rush in and one of them pushes me out of the room.

Around 30 minutes later the doctor comes up to me Brent and Sarah 

"We did everything we could he went into cardiac arrest due to the amount of blood loss I'm so sorry for your loss" and walks away with sorrow in his eyes. 

I collapse onto the floor and cry I scream 

"I WANT THIS TO BE OVER I WANT HIM BACK" then with that I run out of the hospital Brent tries to stop me but I wiggle from his grasp..

I told you that you were gonna hate me gahh I really hate myself for killing the love of her life damn I just fucked shit up lol. I hope you liked this chapter I will be updating first thing tomorrow morning/ in a few hours lol.



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