Chapter 2

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"Bye, Mum!" I said as I got out of the car.

I stared at the building in front of me. It was huge. It looks bigger then my old school, and my previous school is pretty big. I got lost during my first week there! I tugged on my skirt to make it look longer. Seriously, why do people create uniforms?! They're so uncomfortable.

I sighed and entered the building called school. Once I entered the doors, I saw a group of girls using different uniforms than the others. I used those short plaid skirts, a white blouse, a plaid vest, white socks that stops 2/4 down my knee, black flats and the school tie that I had to tuck inside my vest. At least the material wasn't that thick. Those girls must be the cheerleaders.

They used red, black and white skirts almost the same length as mine, except theirs was shorter. They used, what I think is their training cheer top which doesn't expose their skin.

Then, I saw a group of people who, nerdy. Some used braces, retainers and those very thick glasses and tucked in their vests and blouses even though it was not a need to.

The next group of girls I saw looked slutty. No offense but they really do. Their skirts looked like they were folded, making it look shorter. There wasn't really a need to. They're already short enough! They used what seems to be dangly earrings that looked heavy, lots of jewellery and a pound of makeup. What's up with them?! It's a girls' school, there's no boys around. Oh my god. Can it be that they're lesbians..?

I walked passed them and one of them stopped me. I looked up to see a human Barbie. Like seriously, you would've mistaken her as Barbie. Make up everywhere with a light tan. Typical everyday Barbie.

"Hey, you're new aren't you?" Barbie asked me.

"Yeah... Why?"

"Just asking. And would you like to join our crew? We're the pretty ones in the school," she said, flipping her brown hair with highlights and continued, "We would be so happy if you would." she said while batting her eyelashes.

I raised an eyebrow and spoke, "Sorry, I don't think I want to be turned into one of ugh, you." I spatted at her. I pushed her aside and made my way to the office. I heard gasps from the girls and suddenly I heard, "You'll get your revenge soon, blondie!"

I cringed when I heard that word she called me, blondie. I hate it when people call me that. I don't get why people thinks blondes are dumb! But I'm not a pure blonde... I have streaks of brown in my hair.

I walked into the office and saw a woman in her late twenties. "Excuse me, miss? I'm new here. And I need my schedule for my classes please?" I asked her, trying my best to be polite.

"Huh? Oh, you must be Grace Rose Ashton. Nice to meet you Grace, I'm Miss Angelina but you can call me Angel." she smiled at me, showing her perfect white teeth. She's friendly.

"Here's your schedule, a list of the teachers' names and your locker combo, " she said while handing me my items. "and if you ever need help, dont hesitate to come here. Kay, sweetie?" I nodded, smiling. I stepped out of the office.

I looked at today's schedule:

8.15-9.15am: Physics

9.20-10.20am: Art

10.25-10.45am: Lunch

10.50am-12noon: Dance

12.05noon-1.35pm: Math

1.40-2.40pm: Free Period

Well, it's ok. Now, where's physics class? I looked around and then my watch. It was 8. I began walking to who knows where and tried finding for Physics class. Damn, this school is big.

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