Chapter 3

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Ugh. I slammed my alarm clock shut. I hate waking up in the morning. I'm not really a morning person. I lazily got up and rubbed my eyes. I got the covers off me and walked to the wardrobe.

I grabbed my uniform and dragged myself to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My hair was tangled up and had knots. I quickly went to the shower and took a quick one. I got out after 10 minutes and got dressed.

I checked my schedule. Since most of my books were in my locker already, I just packed my gym stuffs cause I have gym. I liked gym, especially when we played volleyball in my old school.

Before going out, I looked in the mirror and let my hair down in its natural wavy way. I used some light makeup and for a final touch, I wore a necklace with a heart pendant on it. It was given by my dad on my tenth birthday, a few days before he died...

Anyway, I grabbed my school bag and went down for breakfast. The aroma of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup went to me. I can't wait to eat!

After breakfast and a talk with Mum, we headed to the garage where the black BMW was parked. Mum then sent me to school. I know, I'm 16. I didn't have time to learn driving, okay? Don't judge.

Soon, I had to walked into this place where people torture our minds and the word 'fun' doesn't exist. This place is called school.

Whoever created school, must be someone who hates kids. He or she really wants to torture our poor brains. I hate this person more than the person who created my school's uniform. Because of him or her, I am now walking down the hallway towards my locker.

Yeah, I know. I'm exaggerating but seriously.

I walked towards my locker and took out my books for next period which was History. Who wants to hear a boring lecture at 8.15 in the morning? Talk about boring but I still needed to pass this class.

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Due to my strong instincts, I immediately grabbed that hand and twisted it and place it on its owner's back. Then, I saw a familiar school bag with butterflies on it.

"Drelyn?" I asked and released the arm.

"No, it's your grandma!" she snapped at me with sarcasm in her voice.

"Sorry, I thought you were some bad guy." I said to her sheepishly.

"Sure, a bad guy in a school? Let alone a guy. Well, soorrryyy." Drelyn said, rubbing her wrist.

"Hehe. So...class?"

"Yea, come on!" she answered happily. It was as though that never happened. Well someone's in a good mood.

We practically ran through the hallway towards our class and first bell haven't even ring yet. I wonder what has got into her.

"Care to explain why you're so happy?"

"Er, no reasons. Its just that there's er... history class?" she said, more like asked. Hmm... Something fishy...

"Ok?" I said, not believing her. She just gave me a sheepish grin. My thoughts were interrupted by a low voice.

"Good morning, children!" a guy wearing glasses spoke, with the british accent. I'm guessing his the teacher.

The class replied with some murmurs when we had to stand to greet him.

The class continued and I found myself drifting away when Mr Heith was talking about the cultures in Asia.

I looked towards Drelyn. She wasn't paying attention either. But who can blame her? Suddenly, she took out her phone, hiding it in her bag so that Mr Heith couldn't see it. We were sitting behind, so she dared to do it. Her face lit up and started texting whoever sent her the message. She then quickly put it bag in her bag and started doodling on a piece of paper.

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