Chapter 5

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I was woken up by my stupid alarm clock. I felt for it and smashed it off. But instead, it fell and I'm pretty sure I broke it.

I climbed out of my bed and looked at the clock which was now smashed into pieces. Ugh. I quickly put the clock into my drawer that consists my other broken clocks. Yeah I know, I'm quite screwed.

Then, I remembered that Brewer. I put on my famous smirk and said to myself, "Watch out Adrian Chase Brewer!"

I quickly took a short shower and put on my slutty uniform. I tied my hair up into a high ponytail and put on some make-up but it still looked natural.

I grabbed my school bag and rushed downstairs to find Mum cooking breakfast.

"What's cooking?" I asked while placing my bag on the ground.

"Your favourite!"

"Eggs and bacon?" I asked eagerly.


"YAY!!" Ya, I know. Childish but who cares? When it comes to food, my inner child takes over my body and I'm proud of it.

After a delicious breakfast, we went in the car and started heading to my school.

Once in school, a cheerleader suddenly approached me.

"Hey there!" she said with a big grin

"Er, hi?

"Yeah, we haven't trully met so I'm Chelsea! You must be Grace. Drelyn told us a lot about you during practice." I raised an eyebrow.


"Yup. She's in cheerleading but only hangs out with us during practice."


"Oh. So, I'll see you around then?"

"Er, we were kinda wondering if you would join us cause team captain just kicked Katie out of team and we're short of one girl, so please." she looked at me with a puppy dog face.

"Er, I'm not sure." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Cheerleading? Sure, its ok but the skirts that I'm wearing now is short enough for me.

"Pleassee!!! The tryouts are tomorrow after school at the gym, probably. Pretty please!" she pleaded.

"Ugh. Fine. But don't make me regret I said yes to you."

"YESSS!!! Thank you so much! See you later!" with that, she skipped off. I'm serious, she actually skipped off like a three year old. Well, since training starts late tomorrow, I might just try out.

~time skip~

"Hey, hey, hey!" a voice suddenly boomed behind me.

I literally jumped out of my chair.

"DRELYN, DON'T DO THAT!" I screamed at her. I swear, everyone in lunch room heard us. A silence was then greeted to us.

"Don't stare. It's rude!" I snapped at them. They then continued their whatsoever business.

"Good comeback."

"I know, I'm awesome!" I said, smirking.

"Yeah, whatever. So, I heard you were going to the tryouts tomorrow?"

"Yup and I heard you are in the cheer squad." I glared at her while taking a bite from my egg sandwich from home. Trust me, the food here is not edible.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I didn't told you. Hehe."

We continued on with our conversation until lunch was over and I headed over to drama class.

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