Chapter 23

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After a half on hour of laying there I herd someone walk out of the cabin and onto the beach I looked and saw jack and that girl

I looked away and I felt myself holding my hand behind my back "don't look at her you can easily kill her but you can't she is jacks problem now" Fang said

I put my hand down before I summoned my weapon and I laid back down and I herd her say "I think she is on her period" she said I got up summons my weapon and swung it and a huge gust of wind launcher her into the water

I looked at Fang who was laughing "THAT ISNT FUNNY" she said I smiled and sat back down besides Fang, I took of my hoodie because it was getting hot, I rested it next to Fang on the towel,

I saw Fang get up and take off his jacket and his shirt and pants he was wearing swim trunks underneath and he ran over and jumped into the water

By now everyone was on the beach I saw clockwork and Jane in bikinis walking over to the water Ben was sitting far from the water

"Ben" I called and he looked at me "come here I need to talk to you" I said Ben slowly go up and shuffled over to me

"Sit" I said patting the towel spot next to me "w-what's up?" He asked "are you scared of water?" I asked he looked down and nodded "there's nothing to be embarrassed about" I said

"Can I help you over come your fear?" I asked "you can try" he said I grabbed his arm and made my way to the water "alright we are going to started of simple" I said

I took off my shoe and socks and stepped in "its alitttle cold" I said "you can do it" I said and he put one foot into the water he started to shake "you did it" I said with a smile

"Now give me your hand" I said he did as told and I lifted my pants legs so they won't get wet and we slowly walked into the water he was walking

But holding my arm like a small child I chuckled a bit and the next time I looked down he was fully in the water

"That's not so bad" he said "exactly" I said "don't swim out to far" I said and he turned around and swam back "thanks josie" Ben said said

"Anytime" I said "why don't you come in to?" Ben asked "I don't have any clothes that I swim in" I explained "I have somethinfg for you" Jane said with a smirk

"What?" I asked "I have a bikini that I don't wear you can wear it and also tease Fang and jack" she said with a wink

She handed me a bikini that was black and I looked at her "dosnt this expose to much?" I said "it's OK follow me when you get it on" she said

I sighed and put it on and followed Jane out of the door.

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